Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1416: Take control of the formation! (on)

Indeed, all of Xiao Yu's energy was in controlling the two giant pythons. It was Duan Zhihui and Fu Yuran that he wanted to deal with. He didn't really want to deal with Zhan Xiaoyu because he still wanted to be friends.

However, Zhan Xiaoyu seemed to have forgotten that this formation was controlled by Xiao Yu, and all of this could not escape his heart and soul, and could not escape his Tianmu God formation.

When Zhan Xiaoyu started the formation, Xiao Yu was disappointed, and his eyes gradually turned gray.

Just because when Zhan Xiaoyu used this formation, Xiao Yu basically expected what kind of attack the opponent would do.

"Haha, all Xixi in the world is a benefit, friends?" Xiao Yu shook his head and laughed at himself.

He overestimated the relationship between himself and Zhan Xiaoyu, and he also underestimated Zhan Xiaoyu's determination to improve his strength.

He thought he would treat others with kindness, and others would treat himself with kindness.

The most important thing is that this is Zhan Xiaoyu.

But he doesn't blame Zhan Xiaoyu, it's human nature that people don't serve themselves.

He can only blame himself for taking certain things too seriously, and certain things too lightly.

When it was said that it was too late, Zhan Xiaoyu's empty array was activated, and the moment the python disappeared, the huge figure suddenly appeared from its original position, but the direction the python was attacking was surprisingly Xiao Yu.

The momentum of the giant python's attack was very strong, and it was soon in front of Xiao Yu. On the other side, all of Xiao Yu's attention was on Duan Zhihui and Fu Yuran's huge array offensive, which seemed to outsiders. , Xiao Yu was barely able to make a move, and he didn't have more attention to resist Zhan Xiaoyu's attack.

"Are you going to succeed!"

All the members of the Purple Spirit Sect watched this scene nervously, and to be honest, Xiao Yu's control of this huge group battle formation had indeed reached a very powerful level.

In such a state, facing the great spirit realm formation master of the same level, it was able to spur a mighty formation, and like a clone, separate consciousness to face the three genius masters, ordinary People are already caught off guard or frightened when faced with this situation.

Faced with his Snake offensive, Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled. He didn't feel at ease because of his own offensive, nor did he have the slightest thoughts on Duan Zhihui and Fu Yuran's offensive. The flawless scruples.

And as I just said, this formation is controlled by Xiao Yu, here, he is everything!

When he saw that Zhan Xiaoyu could use this weird space formation to counterattack other people's offensives, Ou Qing seemed to have thought of something, and he shook his head vigorously in his heart to deny that it was impossible and impossible to hurt him!

At the same time, at the moment when Zhan Xiaoyukong used the formation, he had already sensed a kind of anomaly coming from the formation space.

At the moment when the python was about to swallow Xiao Yu, a strange scene appeared. When the python was about to pounce on it, it suddenly changed a direction slightly and immediately circled Xiao Yu. Killed Zhan Xiaoyu again.

"What!?" The audience was stunned by this scene.

"Impossible, how is it possible..." The three elders' expressions suddenly changed.

Zi Lingzong's pupils shrank up and down, his lips trembled, and he didn't know what was going on.

Isn't Xiao Yu about to be swallowed by a giant python and die?

How could the python change direction, go around a bend and attack back! ?

No one can explain why.

On the contrary, Ou Qing on the other side was already shaking with horror.

"That's it... He controls my formation because of this. No one can hurt him here!"

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