Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1417: Take control of the formation! (under)

It was because of the mysterious tentacles that made him very jealous of Xiao Yu, a mysterious teenager.

This wood clone formation is controlled by something like that strange branch!

In other words, things that even he doesn't know what these are, not only bother him, but certainly also bother everyone.

Let me ask, in this situation, who knew that this space formation was still controlled by Xiao Yu! ?

All thoughts in Ou Qing's heart were ashamed, and his remnant soul was almost wiped out. Even if he had this idea to tell everyone to kill Xiao Yu, it was simply impossible.

"Xiao Yu...he, exactly did he do this!" Tang Fan was also shocked.

To be honest, they were not in the formation. Of course, they didn't know that Xiao Yu used the Heavenly Wood Divine Formation to control the formation of the entire Wood clone, thus leaving Ou Qing in a state of destruction.

They only attributed Xiao Yu's adventures and talents, they didn't think so much at all.

In other words, even if they wanted to, they didn't know that Xiao Yu did it.

Until now, they had seen everything that happened in the formation, and everyone knew that their evaluation of Xiao Yu was really underestimated.

"No, one heart cannot be used for dual purposes, or he controls the entire formation and knows all the movements of the soul power, there is another possibility, that is, his six sense keenness has reached the state of mind and soul!" The fourth elder was suddenly Under the judgment.

And his judgment immediately horrified everyone present.

Heart and soul!

This is an unforgettable existence!

Thousands of Array Masters, maybe they still can't have an awakened soul!

And their Purple Spirit Sect, now there are only three people!

When they thought of this, they felt a kind of horror about Xiao Yu's soul talent.

No one knows how terrifying Xiao Yu's soul talent is, and no one knows that Xiao Yu has trump cards that they don't know, but the only thing that Tang Fan and others can be sure of is that Xiao Yu, a genius of formation, is still a double cultivation formation. Fa geniuses already made them feel a great threat.

This kind of threat is that their Purple Spirit Sect has seen so many talented formation geniuses for so many years, including Tang Fan and other elders, and has never given them the feeling.

No one can imagine that a young man who specializes in spiritual power with dual cultivation and his formation skills would be so powerful?

In their imagination, Duan Zhihui and Fu Yuran's offensive was shattered in an instant, and the two were thrown away immediately.

At the same time, the last giant python that had spared a bay also arrived in front of Zhan Xiaoyu.

Zhan Xiaoyu's face turned pale, and his face changed a lot, immediately spurring a flame formation.

Yes, this formation is surprisingly the three flames and three-point spear formation that she had realized in the fire attribute secret realm just now.

The red, blue and orange three-color spears were suddenly killed.


The python yelled, and suddenly it swallowed the three flame spears, and then the offensive fell on Zhan Xiaoyu's body.

With the same scream, Zhan Xiaoyu was also knocked out.

The formation became quiet again, even in the outfield, no one dared to say a word.

Yes, everyone was shocked by Xiao Yu's soul talent.

The soul is a kind of illusory thing, but it is also the second pair of eyes.

No matter how unfavorable, Xiao Yu was able to separate his mind to deal with three great formation masters of the same realm. At the same time, he controlled every move of the entire formation. His calm and comfortable expression was already It was deeply imprinted in their minds.

At this moment, all the disciples of Clear Sky School, Bai Yugu, Fengshimen, and Xuanjian Pavilion swallowed their throats. They finally understood that the power of soul cultivators is not only as awesome as in the legend. The real horror is in charge of human life and death!

Xiao Yu suddenly looked at Duan Zhihui and the three of them, and said coldly: "Since you have come in, it means you are going to die here. It is my turn to judge you."

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