Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1418: The heart of killing! (on)


Xiao Yu's words sounded like a long sword with a sharp edge, shaking all the disciples who were watching the Windshield Gate, as well as the Purple Spirit Sect.

"He... what is he going to do?" A purple Spirit Sect disciple's lips were a little pale, and his voice trembled.

When Tang Fan waited for all the elders, his face was white.

The disciples of the second and third sects all had weird faces, and even took a deep breath.

From an obscure so-called "double-cultivation formation mage", how could they have imagined that Xiao Yu's attainments in formation would be so terrifying?

After the entire formation exchange meeting, Xiao Yu's "unfair" challenge from the second round and the launch of the third round of rules against him already angered this young man.

It's like the formation of the wood clone is the only Lin attribute that can't crush the soul jade slip, Xiao Yu, in a state of ten deaths and ten lives, has successfully realized the upper limit.

Then, Xiao Yu exploded that the formation that Feng Huoshan Lin had comprehended was incomplete, which made Xiao Yu's favorability towards the Purple Spirit Sect drop a lot.

At that time, they were also angry, but there was no way. If they want to keep a hand, what else can they do?

They can only dare to be angry but dare not speak, can they still blame the Purple Spirit Sect?

Even if I know that the Purple Spirit Sect only uses recruiting geniuses and enhancing the overall strength of the sect world array mage as a high-sounding excuse, in fact it is still eccentric and partial to the disciples of his sect. so what?

From the standpoint of the Purple Spirit Sect, they have to do this, and they have to do it.

Until the third round, it was completely unfair to Xiao Yu's rules. They even discussed it in private. If after the second round, it was the disciple of the Purple Spirit Sect who realized the upper limit of the formation? Will the Purple Spirit Sect touch this third round?

The answer must be no!

After all, you have to know that the rules of the third round are one battle and three!

Even if a genius formation mage reaches the level of a spiritual realm formation master at a teenager, this is already a shocking genius.

If you challenge the three formation mages of the same realm, how much is the chance of success?

They know that even if they don’t even think about it, they are very small.

Not to mention that now Xiao Yu has done it with his enchanting talents and methods. If he is a disciple of the Purple Spirit Sect, will these high-ranking elders finally make it possible for such a talented disciple to take the risk?

The answer is still no!

And now?

Now that Xiao Yu appeared, it was obvious that the Zi Ling Sect, the self-esteem sect, realized a powerful crisis.

This kind of crisis originated from Xiao Yu's terrifying soul talent.

The touch of the third round was to make Xiao Yu spit out the formation he had cultivated, if possible, to kill Xiao Yu's soul in the secret realm!

No one said clearly, but the heart of Sima Zhao of the Purple Spirit Sect was already known to passers-by.

In fact, since Xiao Yu exploded the selfishness of the Purple Spirit Sect, the Purple Spirit Sect had already murdered Xiao Yu.

It was only because of the relationship between Xiaoyaomen that these elders didn't make it clear.

But they know that Duan Zhihui, Fu Yuran, and Zhan Xiaoyu's entry is what they are most looking forward to seeing.

It is a pity that they all failed and are still in danger of being wiped out.

And inside, there are two array geniuses from their Purple Spirit Sect!

Two masters of formation!

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