Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1429: Tang Fan shot

The color of the whole body is gold, and a lizard dragon head with sharp edges and corners is extremely extraordinary. This monster beast is a dragon that is already ready to move!


Xiao Yu's soul has always been in the secret realm, but don't forget that the little dragon is above Xiao Yu's body.

Seeing Xiao Yu in danger, how could Xiaolong not appear?

In fact, the reason why Xiao Yu is so calm is because of Xiaolong.

He thought he didn't need Xiaolong's help, but no matter what, the Purple Spirit Sect was completely reduced to the land of a villain in his eyes.


As soon as the dragon appeared, there was a roar, an invisible sound wave, like a huge mountain on the sea, suddenly shattering Tang Fan’s palm, and when Tang Fan’s face changed wildly, the whole person was It was shaken back several meters.

When everyone sees this, their faces are all defeating you.

This monster beast that appeared suddenly has the level of a level five monster!

Level five monster! It is comparable to the existence of the human three-day realm!

How could he have such a demon pet on him! ?

Looking at Xiaolong's body again, his mighty and extraordinary body, a pair of copper bell-like eyes, gleaming with dazzling golden light, and a powerful and mighty aura that makes people retreat three feet.

"What are you still trying to do! It's only a level five monster, kill it!"

Tang Fan was so startled, Jiang Yu sweated profusely and suddenly shouted.

Tang Fan was not afraid of this monster, he was just shocked by the sudden appearance of the fifth-level monster.

When it was said that it was too late, Tang Fan took a deep breath, his eyes stunned, and the seal was urging.


The place where Xiao Yu was sitting cross-legged suddenly vibrated. Then, with Xiao Yu as the center, a radius of several meters suddenly rose up and went straight into the sky, bringing Xiao Yu directly into the sky.



After rising to a height of one hundred meters, he suddenly jumped over, and Xiao Yu fell down.

The disciples of the second and third sect were surprised.

"Elder Tang is planning to destroy Xiao Yu's body, so that his soul will be scattered!"

The soul uses the body as its carrier. As long as the body is subject to fluctuations or damage, it will affect the soul.

If Xiao Yu were injured, then his soul would not have a good carrier environment, and Xiao Yu's soul cultivation would be greatly affected.

The little dragon roared and saw Xiao Yu fall from a sitting cross-legged position without moving. Its tail suddenly flung up, then stretched out, and then it was wrapped around Xiao Yu.

But because of this, Xiao Yu's physical body was violently tossed, and it could be seen that Xiao Yu in the secret realm was shaking.

Seeing this scene, the three elders suddenly shouted: "Xiao Yu, good opportunity!"

Yes, now is the best opportunity to kill Xiao Yu.

Tang Fan urged the Seal again, and the powerful formation attack was like a storm and attacked towards the dragon. On the other side, in order to prevent Zhan Xiaoyu from being harmed, her body had already been taken to a safe place by other elders.

"Boom boom boom!"

For a while, after the little dragon was furious, bright golden lights swarmed out one after another, and the terrifying coercion seemed to come from an ancient giant hand.

Xiao Yu had already been placed on the ground by Xiaolong, and all Tang Fan's attacks were taken by Xiaolong.

You know, Tang Fan is the second elder of the Purple Spirit Sect, with a high cultivation base, and his strength is already comparable to the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

His formation attacks are all at the top level of the fifth-level formation. If the dragon hadn't swallowed thousands of golden cicadas to strengthen his body, I am afraid that the dragon had already been injured.

"Kill this evil animal!" Jiang Yu was trying hard to resist, just because he was under the pressure of the entire formation formation, and he couldn't hold on for too long.

Immediately he also shouted towards Zhan Xiaoyu on the light curtain: "Xiaoyu, you are a member of our Purple Spirit Sect. Today, we will remove him for our Purple Spirit Sect! This is an order!"

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