Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1430: Zhan Xiaoyu's determination

This is an order!

Everyone is watching this scene, it can be said that the purpose of the Purple Spirit Sect's power up and down the sect is to kill a genius boy with a formation.

Such a scene is really unbelievable and infinitely embarrassing.

A young man had already made the Purple Spirit Sect of the Seven Great Sects so excited.

Jiang Yu used his entire body to fight against the defensive barrier imposed on Xiao Yu.

Tang Fan went to kill the fifth-level demon pet that appeared from Xiao Yu, but the other elders went to "coax" Zhan Xiaoyu to take advantage of this good opportunity to kill Xiao Yu in the secret formation.

If this matter spreads to the outside, this is absolutely an incredible phenomenon, and it will also sneer at the Purple Spirit Sect.

Think about it, the Purple Spirit Sect is one of the seven sects!

Look at the elders like Tang Fan, which one is not a powerful master of formation, they are masters comparable to the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

Look at Jiang Yu again, this is still the great elder of the Purple Spirit Sect, a heavenly master of formation!

The purpose of such a big fight is to kill a young man who only has a master of formation?

One of the reasons is of course that the Purple Spirit Sect is passive.

Why is it passive.

Xiao Yu had the protection barriers of the previous Purple Spirit Sects, and it was not easy to kill Xiao Yu.

The second is that no one knew that Xiao Yu actually had a demon pet, or such a weird and powerful demon pet.

Of course, the third most important reason was naturally that Xiao Yu had offended the bottom line of the Purple Spirit Sect.

Xiao Yu killed Fu Yuran!

Zhao Xin seemed to have anticipated this a long time ago. As for Xiao Yu's choice and what she had done, she was not surprised and not surprised in her eyes.

Qiu Dongyang bowed his head and sighed: "Why did you come to this point..."

He is kind-hearted, this scene is not what he wants to see, especially the true disciple who is still Xiaoyaomen.

"In this world, many things are not completely controllable by us. Who can say what is right and wrong?" Zhao Xin nodded and said meaningfully.

Qiu Dongyang kept silent, groaning.

Yes, in the world of the strong, interests are first and fist is above the fist. Many times I want to stay out of the situation, but I find that I am already in the middle.

Like Zhao Xin, will she choose to shoot?

the answer is negative.

Furthermore, if she and Xiao Yu are good friends, but now Xiao Yu is facing the entire Purple Spirit Sect, she is the true disciple of the Fantasy Moon Sect and the future Sect Master of the Fantasy Moon Sect, can she take this step? ?

If she took this step, the price she would have paid would be beyond her imagination.

Taking a step back, in a situation like Xiao Yu's, in fact, I am afraid that Xiao Yu's stepping into this formation exchange conference is about to happen.

In the dark, he had his own arrangements. This was Xiao Yu's catastrophe. After stepping through it, perhaps the pattern of the sect world and the fate of Xiaoyao Sect would change.

If you can't step over, maybe, this is fate.

Of course, most people see this in the form of a bystander.

As for the player in the game, how would Xiao Yu feel?

Under the bluestone archway of the Purple Spirit Sect, the momentum is huge. The countless powerful offensives have already caused Xiao Yu's physical body to be shaken and bumped, and even affected his soul, only because the little dragon faced the Purple Spirit Sect. Attack of all elders.

Yes, Xiao Yu knelt on one knee at this time, his body was sometimes illusory and sometimes solid.

Xiao Yu's heart was dripping blood, and his mind grew colder.

He felt the killing intent of the entire Purple Spirit Sect against him, and he also felt that Xiaolong had received an unprecedented attack because of Xiao Yu.

Especially when he heard Jiang Yu and others calling Zhan Xiaoyu to kill him, Xiao Yu had already put his life and death away.


Once Zhan Xiaoyu's Dharma seal was knotted, the surging flames condensed out.

"Xiao Yu..."

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