Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1437: Can't help it (below)

"Xiao Yu, let Xiaoyu go, she is innocent." Tang Fan said.

What he saw was the clear and deep eyes of a young man, and what he felt was Xiao Yu's pure soul.

He also knew how many calamities Xiao Yu had gone through from a small courtyard dynasty to this step before he could get there.

From the bottom of his heart, he admired Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu's soul talent was also the most terrifying and most invisible one he found after seeing so many talented people.

When Xiao Yu had reached this point, everyone had interacted and was forced.

At the same time, Tang Fan also sensed that Xiao Yu was not really killing Zhan Xiaoyu.

The other elders remained silent.

Strictly speaking, Zi Lingzong and Xiaoyao Sect have no interest or status relationship. One is an ordinary cultivation path and the other is a soul formation.

They wanted to kill Xiao Yu because Xiao Yu exposed the selfishness of the Purple Spirit Sect in the second round, and at the same time killed Fu Yuran, then destroyed their secret realm, and finally held Zhan Xiaoyu's life.

It is impossible to say not to be angry.

One of the seven sects of the Purple Spirit Sect was actually controlled by a young man. For the arrogant Purple Spirit Sect, how could they be convinced?

But they also knew that if they hadn't been aggressive, would Xiao Yu have come this far?

And if Xiao Yu was really killed and the face was torn at the Xiaoyao Gate, would the Purple Spirit Sect really be able to retreat all over?

they do not know.

What they only know now is that in the world of the sect, this young man with a talented soul against the sky is definitely not a pond fish.

Before participating in this formation exchange meeting, half of the sect world had already been rioted by him. Judging from the murderous intentions of other sects against Xiao Yu, wouldn't the sect world become full of storms over time?

They don't know either.

At this moment, even though their cultivation base is better than Xiao Yu, they seem to have compromised, and they seem to give in. They just want Zhan Xiaoyu to be safe and sound.

In fact, Xiao Yu never thought of killing Zhan Xiaoyu, because he still missed that little friendship.

It's just that what Zhan Xiaoyu did twice in a row made Xiao Yu very cold.

He had no affection for Zhan Xiaoyu for a long time. In other words, Xiao Yu's thought was enough to kill Zhan Xiaoyu.

And these things, to some extent, have nothing to do with Zhan Xiaoyu.

"Hehe, the world is a game of chess. Every step is a life or death game. Who can predict what will happen next? I can't help it."

Xiao Yu sighed and raised his hand, Zhan Xiaoyu's soul flew above her body.

"Little rain."

Zhan Xiaoyu opened her eyes, her body had long been rescued by the elder of the Purple Spirit Sect.

"Are you okay?" the third elder asked with concern, and he was finally relieved.

Zhan Xiaoyu's face was pale, saying that nothing is impossible, her soul has already suffered some damage, and the power of the soul has been consumed too much.

But this was already the result of Xiao Yu's mercy.

The look she looked at Xiao Yu was ashamed and sad.

Xiao Yu could make her ashes many times, but Xiao Yu didn't do it.

"Xiao Yu, thank you..." Zhan Xiaoyu stood up hard and apologized to Xiao Yu in the distance.

Xiao Yu's face was calm and calmly said, "You and I are no longer fellow travelers, and there is no need to apologize. You pass my empty array formula, I will save you your life, and our relationship will end. If we fight in the future, we will be enemies."

Having said that, Xiao Yu actually walked directly down the mountain, and the third elder was a little furious, as if he was about to go forward and give Xiao Yu a thunderous blow.

But Xiao Yu still didn't look back and strode forward.

"Three Elders." Jiang Yu finally called out.

The other elders who were about to move, also stopped moving forward.

However, Xiao Yu took two steps, but stopped. Turning around, his eyes were like the eyes of an eagle and falcon, and his sharp sharpness was exposed. He said in a condensed voice: "After today, the Purple Spirit Sect has a relationship with me, like this place, Never again!!"

As soon as Xiao Yu's voice fell, he stepped on the bluestone floor. For a moment, the earth moved and the mountains shook, and the terrifying power of lilac blood rushed into the sky, forming a faint purple unicorn phantom, volleyed proudly, at a glance Under the mountains.


With the help of Xiao Yu's kick, he directly trampled the kilometer-large bluestone floor into a horizontal crack, deep and hideous...

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