Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1438: The wind is surging (Part 1)

Everyone was shocked by Xiao Yu's scene, and they were all stunned.

"What a terrifying power of vitality, it is rumored that he has cultivated his body, and his physique is almost a monster. The kick just now has at least the strength of the earth spirit..."

"how is this possible……"

All the disciples of the second and third sects have changed.

The Earth Spirit Realm, among the seven sects, is enough to rank true true disciples.

In the past, they only thought that Xiao Yu had reached the position of true disciple of Xiaoyaomen from the assessment, but it was because Xiaoyaomen had initially valued his potential and gave him the status of cultivation.

At that time, not many people really put Xiao Yu in their eyes.

Because in their opinion, the true disciples of the seven sects are at least in the spiritual realm.

At this moment, no one doubted Xiao Yu.

Zhao Xin looked at the figure leaving in the distance. For some reason, Xiao Yu's figure seemed to be unusually tall in her mind.

The surprises and surprises Xiao Yu gave her were simply too great.

She asked herself that under the baptism of the sect, there had been a change in the world-shaking mansion. This kind of change, it is impossible for how many people to reach her level in a lifetime.

But she did not expect that the change in Xiao Yu's temperament, strength, and courage would be different from before.

Maybe she didn't understand Xiao Yu too well, or maybe her impression of Xiao Yu just stayed on that high-spirited, arrogant young man.

But when I saw it today, she seemed to have a different opinion of Xiao Yu.

Of course, even if Xiao Yu is strong and talented, Zhao Xin still has the capital to look down on the younger generation of almost the entire sect world.

She thought that this kind of capital was something Xiao Yu would never achieve.

Just because her gaze is also not limited to the sect world.

"Xiao Yu, I didn't expect you to have changed so much, but I really want to see how big a surprise you will give me at the Seven Sect Conference."

When Zhao Xin thought, the sword flew, turned into a glow and disappeared into the sky.

And all the disciples of other sects, because of the end of the formation exchange meeting, all left.

Although the formation exchange conference of the Purple Spirit Sect was not as large as the "Seven Sects Conference", the formation held by the Purple Spirit Sect was also a grand age of the formation.

And those disciples who didn't get anything at this conference were not downhearted. At least, they witnessed the rise of a man with a soul talent that was almost enchanting, and they also saw that a person's soul could be so powerful to such a terrifying situation.

Of course, the disciples of Clear Sky School, White Jade Valley, Fengshimen, and Xuanjian Pavilion seemed very unwilling after leaving the Purple Spirit Sect's mountain phantom array. Naturally, Fengshimen was the most unwilling.

Duan Zhihui's death is bound to have a great impact on the windshield door.

The death of a quasi-true disciple is a big deal, and if you go back to tell the high-level sect, there may be a **** disturbance.

"Does the elder of the Purple Spirit Sect eat dry food! Such a good opportunity didn't even kill that kid!" a bold Windshield disciple said angrily.

"Huh! Ignorant guys, do you think it is really good for the Purple Spirit Sect to tear his face? They don't kill Xiao Yu, first they are afraid of fighting against them, and second, they want to use all of us to get rid of Xiao Yu !" An inner disciple of Haotianzong said with a sneer.

A disciple of Xuanjian Pavilion also said in a deep voice: "Yes, the Purple Spirit Sect is a good one, knowing that if you kill Xiao Yu, you will be left with a situation where you will kill a thousand enemies and hurt yourself."

"But Fu Yuran was killed by him, and the secret realm was still destroyed, did the Purple Spirit Sect let Xiao Yu go?" A woman from Bai Yugu asked puzzledly.

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