Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1439: The wind is surging (below)

"Have you forgotten? Zhan Xiaoyu's life is in his hands, which is not good for the Purple Spirit Sect at all. Don't think that Xiaoyao Sect has only Wen Zhan and the two elders. There is no need to say Wen Zhan, who is the Purple Spirit Sect? Opponents? Except for the Sect Master of the Purple Spirit Sect, everyone else is Jiang Yu, not his opponent at all. Even if all of their elders join hands, the Xiaoyao Sect is truly endless, and the Purple Spirit Sect is destroyed by the Sect." Leng hum said.

"What you said is relaxed, the Purple Spirit Sect also has the world's strongest formation master in the sect. Is he a vegetarian?" The Fengshimen disciple said coldly.

"The Purple Spirit Sect Sect Master has been in retreat for three years. Otherwise, do you think Xiao Yu can do whatever he wants in the scene just now?"

Another disciple of the Haotian School also said coldly: "The Purple Spirit Sect is afraid of Xiaoyao Sect, so for the time being to bear his breath, and Xiao Yu has already stated clearly that the Purple Spirit Sect will break, that is to say, Xiaoyu Sect, Xiao Yu, has become the target of public criticism. There is no rush to kill Xiao Yu for a while, don’t forget, as time goes on, the Xiaoyao Sect is left alone and helpless, and we are the only ones who want to destroy them?"

"You mean?" The windshield disciple's eyes drenched.

"Huh! Zongmen world is a game of chess. The weak can only be reduced to pawns. Only the strong can control the world. No matter how strong Xiao Yu is, it is nothing more than a **** of all living beings. Some people are destined to die when they are born. There is no value at the mercy."

Hearing such meaningful words from the disciples of the Haotian School, the disciples of Fengshimen, Baiyugu, and Xuanjian Pavilion frowned.

After the disciple of the Clear Sky School said, his eyes flickered a little, and immediately the group of people left first.

"Huh! A bunch of self-esteem guys, who they think they are, can they really ride on our heads forever!" The disciple of Xuanjian Pavilion saw the disciple of Clear Sky School arrogantly and felt dissatisfied.

"Have you noticed that the Clear Sky School seems to have been very low-key recently. The disciple of his own sect was killed, so he could be so calm." The windshield disciple frowned.

"Don't you know? Since the Qingyun Territory incident, the elders of the Xiaoyao Sect said that there are powerful demons lurking in the sect world, so everyone should be careful. Maybe because of this, the Clear Sky Sect is not so high-profile, right? ?"

"Well, I have heard about this too. I heard that the elders of the Lin Family in the Azure Cloud Territory were ensnared, and then made a lot of noise."

For these young disciples, the demon cultivator is an evil existence. Although they are not at odds with their ordinary cultivators, they have a large number of people, and the demon cultivators are nothing but mice in the dark, and they can't worry about it all day long. .

The appearance of demon cultivators over the years is nothing new.

With the status and strength of the seven sects, they look down on these cultivators of casual cultivators.

And if they knew that these so-called demonic cultivators were actually related to the Black Cliff World and Black Cliff Sect legends thousands of years ago, they might not have responded like this.

After all, apart from the elders of their respective sects, ordinary disciples didn't know about the space cracks.

Just because if you know that this is related to the other thirty-six small worlds, and the purpose is to swallow the sect world, I am afraid the entire sect world will be in chaos.

The disciple of Fengshimen said disapprovingly: "There is a fire in my backyard, so I have installed someone to remind us, do they think it is still the head of the previous seven sects?"

A group of people nodded secretly, and one of the disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion said indifferently: "The demon cultivators are just a group of clowns, they can't jump high, we don't care, we still focus on our sword monument barrier. Well, maybe, our sect will have another sword-sage descendant!"

This group of disciples at the bottom of An Paradise didn't seem to realize that the sect world, the stormy night, the turbulent era is coming...

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