Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1447: Re-upper middle area (above)

Xiao Yu mourned in silence.

He did not expect that a person's loyalty and a person's righteousness can be done for fear of death.

He didn't know whether Xiaoyao Sect failed Lin Zhennan, or Lin Zhennan moved him.

All he knew was that Lin Zhennan died for the sake of the overall situation of Xiaoyaomen, and he also knew that Lin Zhennan's death would not be in vain.

"Where's Xiao Yao?" Xiao Yu's eyes calmed down, but if he took a closer look, there was a cold light in the depths of his eyes, just like a divine soldier about to be unsheathed in the abyss.

Lin Hu clenched his fist tightly and his nails were stuck in his palms. He gritted his teeth with hatred and said: "The young lady was kidnapped by Qu Yuanqing and the others, and he said that if you want someone, go to Zhongyang to find them!"

"This bunch of bastards! They did this to dedicate the young lady to the Clear Sky School, but obviously, they are trying to lead you into Zhongyang Domain and then kill you!"

Lin Hu looked complicated and hesitated. He sadly said: "Xiao Yu, I know it's wrong to do this, but we really can't do it. The Patriarch told Xiaoyao before he died, we didn't dare to tell Xiaoyaomen about it, so I I can only ask for your help..."

Xiao Yu patted Lin Hu on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice, "I should say I'm sorry. They came to me. I didn't expect to affect you because of me, and indirectly killed Lin Zhennan. Now Xiao Yao is giving it all. Kidnapped."

When Xiao Yu said this, a gloomy murderous intent suddenly filled his body.

Xiao Yu Ning said: "At the beginning, Haotianzong joined the Qu family, and Lin Xia and the others were doing this great dragon and phoenix. They wanted to steal Xiao Yao quietly, and what they wanted was her wood flesh **** pattern. Qu family and Lin Xia After the failure, I have been sorrowful for me, because of my carelessness and negligence, I ignored the lives of Patriarch Lin and Xiao Yao, and the sin should be on me."

"Xiao Yu..."

Lin Hu suddenly felt that a terrible murderous intent was spreading from Xiao Yu's body. Lin Hu's whole body was like an ice pit, as if he were in an abyss, immovable.

What an amazing murder!

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed an incredibly amazing light, and said: "I owe him the life of Patriarch Lin. I treat Xiao Yao as a sister. If the Qu family dares to offend me, I will kill him!"

The Haotian Sect had always wanted Xiao Yu to die, and this time the Qu family did something like this, and it had nothing to do with them secretly watching the show.

The wolf ambition of the Clear Sky School is still the manipulator behind the scenes. Xiao Yu originally didn't want to face the Clear Sky School as an enemy, but they used the Qu family to fight, even kill themselves, and implicated innocent people. Xiao Yu can bear this. ?

"Qu Yuanqing's strength is geometric." Xiao Yu asked in a cold voice.

"He was originally a small achievement in the Earth Spirit Realm, but this time he retreats, it is said that he broke through to the Earth Spirit Realm Dacheng. He is very strong and uses the techniques of the Clear Sky School and supernatural powers. I also heard people say that Qu Yuanqing will kill Before the Patriarch, there were disciples of the Haotian School who came to Qu's house. I suspect that it was because of this that the Patriarch was killed! You know, the Patriarch is also a great achievement in the Earth Spirit Realm! If he succeeds in retreating, he will be the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm. He was still interrupted and forced out..." Lin Hu was filled with indignation, and all said with murderous intent.

"Hehe, Clear Sky School is really accurate! Knowing to kill Lin Zhennan, this time there is no room for loss, so do you secretly give them a bargaining chip?"

When Xiao Yu said this, his murderous intent became more and more frozen.

Haotian Sect, you have set up me, this time, I will let you slap yourself!

"Ms. Xu Zhi is gone?" Xiao Yu asked suddenly.

"Well, if Miss Xu Zhi is here..." Lin Hu felt dim again.

Xiao Yu shook his head slightly in his heart, Xu Zhi was never a person of this plane. After the last time, he already knew that Xu Zhi was leaving, but he didn't expect that the Qu family would find this gap.

"Xiao Yu, do you want to inform the elder..." Lin Hu asked quickly.

"No need, we set off!"

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