Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1448: Re-upper middle area (bottom)

Zhongyang domain.

The Zhongyang Region has been a bit lively recently, just because Qu Yuanqing immediately caused a sensation in the entire Zhongyang Region.

You know, the Zhongyang domain is led by the Qu family. Since the last time that young man stepped on the Qu family and killed half of the masters of the Qu family, the Zhongyang domain has become a target of ridicule by the surrounding area.

The Zhongyang domain of the Haotian Sect, the head of the dignified seven sects, was completely reduced to a young man who had destroyed so many masters. It can be said that the Qu family's face was greatly embarrassed.

All the practitioners in Zhongyang Region were very interested in this matter, especially Qu Yuanqing recently killed Lin Zhennan and brought Lin Yao back, which caused a sensation in the entire Zhongyang Region.

"This Qu Yuanqing is really bold! Not only did he kill Lin Zhennan, but he also took his daughter back home. Could it be that Qu Fan failed to marry Lin Yao last time, and this time he will be forced to go to court and get married?" A thief, thin man The cultivator said.

"You know what a shit! I can receive news that Qu Fan's marriage to Lin Yao is a fake, it is a secret arrangement of the Vast Sky School, and the purpose is to get Lin Yao abducted."

"Why are they doing this? Just go for it with integrity?"

"To be fair and honest, Clear Sky Sect does not need to buy the elders of the Lin family, but also joins the Qu Family to make this great dragon and phoenix. Isn't it afraid of Xiaoyaomen's revenge? Don't you think about it. If the Vast Sky School takes care of it, Xiaoyao The door will never let it go! The Azure Cloud Region is covered by them."

Another tall man also said: "That's right, just like this time. It was the Qu family who did it. Haotianzong did not know a helper. Even if the Xiaoyao Sect is to blame, you can only blame the Qu family. If the Xiaoyao Sect is true By doing this, how could Clear Sky School watch the excitement? Isn't this just an excuse for Clear Sky School to deal with Xiaoyao Sect?"

"Yeah, the key is that I heard that there has been no movement at the Xiaoyaomen in the past half a month! I think it was the Lin family who blocked the news and did not send it back to the Xiaoyaomen, otherwise it would be a big trouble."

Hearing what the crowd said, a disciple of the Qu family sneered: "If he really dared to get involved in the Xiaoyao Sect, he has to weigh his own abilities. The Vast Sky Sect is jealous of them by three points. Isn't the Xiaoyao Sect afraid of it Maybe what is waiting for them is to destroy the door!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone seemed to nod their heads thoughtfully, very much in agreement with what the Qu family said.

However, in their hearts, they thought to themselves that this was a game between the Clear Sky School and the Xiaoyao Sect in the dark. With the present knot of strength, it is not just wisdom but also courage.

Just imagine, if Xiaoyaomen really took this step, what awaited them might be dead.

On the other side, at a table by the window of an inn, a young man was drinking on his own. This man turned out to be Jia Chen.

Sitting across from him was also a disciple of the Clear Sky School.

"Brother, do you think Xiao Yu will really come?" The Haotianzong disciple asked in a low voice.

Jia Chen had some killing secrets in his eyes. He recalled the scene when Qu Fan stepped on the Lin family. If it weren't for the last mysterious woman, I'm afraid he would have killed Xiao Yu.

Coupled with the information that came back from the Purple Spirit Sect's affairs recently, the Haotian Sect was even more jealous of Xiao Yu, the evildoer.

If you had the heart to kill Xiao Yu before, now you have to kill it.

"The mysterious girl of the Lin family has already left. Lin Zhennan was killed and Lin Yao was taken into captivity. With Xiao Yu's character, he would not sit idly by. If I guess right, he will arrive soon."

Just as his voice fell, Jia Chen's eyes dazzled, and he smiled seemingly: "He seems to be here."

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