Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1449: Kill the Qu family

At the same time, a monstrous murderous intent suddenly shrouded in the direction of the Qu family mansion.

Accompanied by a young man walking on the street, his astonishing killing intent caused everyone around him to retreat three feet and looked at the young man walking forward in horror.

"The killing intent on him is really terrifying, who is he?"

"No, it looks like he is heading towards the Qu family mansion."

"Towards the Qu family? Is it the Lin family who came to seek revenge?"

Those cultivators have good cultivation skills, but seeing this scene, Qi Ali can't help but be moved.

This is because the murderous intent on this young man is really too terrifying, the invisible aura, like a dark cloud over the city, makes everyone who passes by can't help holding their breath.

"Huh? No, he looks like that..." Seeing that figure from behind, one of them suddenly woke up, "Isn't he the kid who said Lin Yao is his sister? The last time he killed half of the masters of the Qu family? what!"

As soon as this was said, everyone exploded.

The scene from the last time, they are vividly vivid.

Even Qu Hua, the great elder of the Qu family, the pinnacle of the human spiritual realm, could only wait to be killed.

"Is he really here?"

"Lin Yao's brother has appeared again!"

For a time, the entire Zhongyang City exploded because of the arrival of this young man.

Everyone knew that this young man had really come to find Lin Yao this time.

And this person is naturally Xiao Yu.

For a while, all the powerhouses in Zhongyang City either swept in the direction of Qu's family to watch the excitement, or stood on the roof, or watched the scene from a height.

"Haha, it's really interesting." Jia Chen smiled at the scene that seemed like a dark cloud over the city. It was meaningful, like a smile but not a smile.

"Xiao Yu is really here? This guy really does not live or die!" The disciple of the Haotian School said with a sneer.

"Qu Yuanqing and I are both great masters of the Earth Spirit Realm, and he has the help of our Clear Sky School this time, and Xiao Yu can't escape this time even with wings."

Last time Jia Chen was almost able to kill Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu did not have the cultivation base of the Golden Core Realm at the time, so he could even force him to use his own high-grade spirit weapon. If this was given by people like Zhongyang Domain If you know it, I'm afraid it will be shocked.

Even Jia Chen, after returning home, became more reconciled in his heart, thinking that he must find a chance to kill Xiao Yu, and this time is a good opportunity.

"However, he understood the fifth-level formation in the Purple Spirit Sect. I heard that the upper limit is still the sixth-level formation. Is Qu Yuanqing his opponent?" The disciple of the Haotian Sect seemed to say with some worry.

Jia Chen said indifferently: "Don't worry, I have already inquired about the so-called sixth-level formation, you must wait for him to reach the level of the heavenly master of formation before it can be activated. He is now just the formation of the spirit realm. Grandmaster, and I also heard that after the formation exchange meeting, his soul consumed a lot, and he must have suffered a lot of injuries. In this way, with his soul realm, we are not afraid at all."

The disciple of the Clear Sky School nodded slightly, which was also an agreement.

"This is the best. If we can get rid of him here, we will be able to worry less about a lot of things. And there are seniors who are sitting here. I measure today here, it is his burial place!"


Jia Chen let out a soft cry, and moved towards Qu's direction first.

Feeling the astonishing murderous intent enveloping the Qu family mansion, more than a dozen figures filed out. The head of a middle-aged man is naturally the head of the Qu family, Qu Yuanqing.

"Hahaha! Xiao Yu, are you finally here?"

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