Shura God Emperor

Chapter 145: Crack the magic array

This really is to the seal barrier.

Xiao Yu moved in his heart, then closed his eyes, and the power of the soul penetrated in.

As soon as his consciousness entered, the whole person was taken aback, and what appeared before his eyes was a shining vein.

Yes, it looks like a huge vein of several hundred meters!

These ores exude a unique aura.

"That's it! This natural formation is so wonderful, there is a magical formation inside!"

From the outside, there is no idea that there will be an ore inside, because as soon as a person enters this range, the phantom array will be activated and you will get lost.

He touched the barrier because he had the power of urging the soul in his hand. If Palin hadn't told him that there was a formation here, then he would definitely not know that there was a formation here.

"If these ores are used to build treasures, they are at least Grade 4 treasures, right?"

Xiao Yu took a deep breath. The fourth-grade treasures are very precious to ordinary royal children.

And he can feel that these ores can be built into a fourth-grade treasure at will!

His consciousness only entered one meter, and then it was blocked again. He knew that this phantom array blocked him from going deeper. It seemed that in the process of forming this vein, a sense of self-protection was gradually formed.

Xiao Yu quickly thought about the content of the Divine Soul Dao in his heart, and with a move in his heart, the power of the soul once again urged it to the greatest extent.

His consciousness immediately drifted out, and an entire vein was enveloped in an instant.

If he wants to feel through the phantom formation of the mineral vein, he must first blend into it, then digest it, and then find a breakthrough to enter the vein.

Time passed by one minute and one second, two full hours passed, Xiao Yu outside was very quiet with his eyes closed.

Pei Lin didn't bother, she hoped that Xiao Yu could break through this illusion.

After a while, Xiao Yu withdrew his consciousness, and then opened his eyes. He exhaled heavily, feeling a little tired.

"What's the matter?" Palin asked.

She also felt that the current Xiao Yu's mental state was much worse than just now. Maybe it was because the power of the soul had been used too much, right?

Xiao Yu said, "I have already figured out this formation. To get inside, you must detour to the northwest. After dyeing, follow this route to enter the vein."

With that said, Xiao Yu told Pei Lin in detail how to enter the formation.

After speaking, Xiao Yu said, "This formation is very huge. I can only find a way to enter it. Because you are not a formation mage, you can only rely on this method. I will meditate for a while."

Xiao Yu sat down cross-legged, and then went directly into meditation.

What he didn't know was that Peilin was surprised at this moment. Her beautiful eyes stared at Xiao Yu, and she couldn't help but wonder.

Baoxuan Pavilion's formation mage, a dozen people, even if they all work together to stimulate the power of the soul, they can only penetrate the distance of half a meter inside.

But Xiao Yu not only was able to enter it, but also blended into this phantom array, breaking through a flaw and found a way.

This kid really is a formation genius!

You know, how long is this? Two hours!

Palin took a deep breath, and the admiration in her eyes became more intense.

She was protecting Xiao Yu's law, and the time soon came to sunrise.

Xiao Yu also recovered from the meditation, and then looked around.

There was still a mountain forest beside him, but he knew that there was a huge mineral vein in the mountain forest.

"Xiao Yu."


"Thank you." Palin said with a smile.

Xiao Yu calmly said, "I don't have to thank me for my aura, because I am not entirely helping you by doing this."

Peelin smiled slightly, with a variety of amorous feelings, and said: "I know, after you go back, Chi Yan Pill will be delivered to you as soon as possible at night. You just broke through to the early stage of the Qi Convergence Realm, right? It should be the best for you."

Xiao Yu was surprised that she had discovered her own cultivation level! ? You know, he has hidden his breath.

But immediately he felt relieved when he thought about it.

No matter how much he hides his breath, it is only in the state of converging energy, but Peilin is basically sure to exceed the state of converging energy.

"Don't be so surprised, because I am strong and you are too much, and you will reach my level in another day. In this case, let's go back."

Xiao Yu nodded, but he still glanced at the formation beside him and stopped.

"what happened?"

Xiao Yu pondered for a while, but still shook his head and said, "It's nothing, let's go back."

Palin didn't ask too much, and the two went back along the way back.


On the other side, the queen's bedroom.

The queen was sitting in the upper seat with a cold face, Xiao Mingzi lowered her head and did not speak, while below, a guard from Tianfumen was kneeling.

"What you said is true?" Xiao Mingzi asked in a deep voice.

The guard nodded and said, "Yes, after Xiao Yu went to Baoxuan Pavilion during the day, he didn't come out all night, but Xiao Yu walked out just three poles in the sun."

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