Shura God Emperor

Chapter 146: Secret plan

After listening, the queen's face became even colder, and a chill came out unconsciously.

Obviously, the ugly degree of the queen's face has reached a very cold level.

Xiao Mingzi waved to the guard, and the guard hurried away, leaving the queen and Xiao Mingzi in the hall.

"Queen empress, I didn't expect that Baoxuan Pavilion would have recruited Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu didn't give the royal family and the queen any face at all." Xiao Mingzi said in a deep voice.

Xiao Yu's talent is beyond doubt.

In these two days, the name of the dynasty's first formation genius, like a tornado, swept the entire capital.

You know, Xiao Yu's cultivation talent is already so terrifying, and now there is a genius in the formation, then those genius children and heirs of the royal family have received serious challenges and threats?

The royal family has ruled the dynasty for so many years, and it is absolutely not allowed to be threatened by outsiders.

Like Baoxuan Pavilion, the power is great, but Tianfumen is already guarded by people day and night, and any disturbances cannot be hidden from Tianfumen.

"Xiao Yu, my palace kindly recruited you. If you don't appreciate it, you still go to Baoxuan Pavilion. It seems that you have to let this palace kill you!" The queen's eyes sipped a chill.

Xiao Mingzi thought for a while and said, "Queen, empress, the slave has something to say."

"what's up?"

Xiao Mingzi pondered for a while, and said, "Although we don't know if Baoxuan Pavilion is rebelling against the royal family, it is certain that Xiao Yu has taken refuge in Baoxuan Pavilion now, so Baoxuan Pavilion will definitely send people to protect Xiao. Feather, once our people act, if the movement is too loud, then Tianfumen may become the target of Baoxuan Pavilion, and it will also affect the reputation of the queen empress. The reason why Tianfumen is feared is because of ours. Mysteriously, if you want to assassinate Xiao Yu, you must not make too much noise, otherwise the capital will be panicked, and there will be a lot of trouble."

"And..." Xiao Mingzi groaned for a while.

"Go on."

"Yes," Xiao Mingzi continued, "During the battle of formations, the grand master of the sect must recruit Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu refused. Since Xiao Yu will not go to the sect for the time being, then we have to deal with him. There are so many chances to do it, and there is no need to fight."

The queen thought for a while and it made sense.

Tianfumen is an organization of her own. Many officials in the DPRK know that Tianfumen is taboo and they dare not mention it.

And once Tianfumen's actions were too frequent, the capital would have been chaotic long ago.

What organization is Tianfumen? The most mysterious and powerful organization in the capital that specializes in assassination of hostile royal forces.

The queen would never expose the organization she had run for many years because of a Xiao Yu, otherwise it would be more difficult to act and do things in the future.

The queen said coldly: "There is another. Tianfumen has lost the sword in the rain. The strength of each member is not simple. If Xiao Yu can't be killed next time, then the power and mystery of Tianfumen may not exist. ."

To be honest, Xiao Yu's talent is powerful, but he hasn't grown up yet. If someone who is too powerful is dispatched, it is definitely not worth it.

"What can you do?"

Xiao Mingzi moved in his heart and made a plan. He said, "Isn't there one month left for the opening of the Forest of Boxing Tablets? We can give Xiao Yu a place to enter it."

Queen Liu frowned and said: "The Fist Stele Forest is the royal family's important place. Historically, only the children and heirs of the royal family have been able to enter it, and the boxing realm inside is only condensed once a year. This is a rare opportunity."

Xiao Mingzi quickly said: "Queen Empress, Xiao Mingzi didn't mean that, I mean..."

Soon Xiao Mingzi spoke in the Queen's ear...

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