Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1466: Conspired murder

In an instant, Gan Ning's expression became serious.

Yes, if the Xiaoyao Sect learns that Xiao Yu has destroyed the Qu family's full house, then it will definitely summon Xiao Yu to go back, or send someone along the way to protect Xiao Yu, or even the elders personally go to Xiaoyao Sect.

"If this is the case, then we want to kill Xiao Yu, aren't we at a loss?" The disciple of the Clear Sky School frowned.

Xiao Yu must be killed, but the price of killing Xiao Yu is to prevent Wen Zhan and the others from retaliation. This is why Cui Yuan and the others have always looked forward and backward.

When Xiao Yu made such a big noise in Zhongyang Domain, they would definitely think that Clear Sky School would send someone to start killing Xiao Yu.

At least it was not impossible for an elder to **** Xiao Yu.

"They can't pass it temporarily."

At this moment, a voice rang.

Cui Yuan and Gan stared at the past, fixed their eyes to see that they turned out to be their old friends.

"Fan Song, really come here!" When Cui Yuan saw this person, his eyes were indifferent, as if a little surprised.

Gan Ning waved his hand and motioned to the Clear Sky School disciple who had returned to report to go ahead.

If Xiao Yu were here, he would definitely recognize this person named Fan Song, who was surprisingly the fifth elder of the Purple Spirit Sect.


Time, back three months ago, when Xiao Yu had just left the Purple Spirit Sect's formation exchange meeting.

Zhan Xiaoyu has been escorted to recuperate, and the elders Jiang Yu and Tang Fan are all gathered in the lobby.

The entire lobby is very quiet, the five elders, including Elder Shen, their faces are also very ugly.

Just because, in their minds, the words that the young man had before he left gave them a higher level of slaying heart for the young man.

Even Tang Fan, he finally proposed to let Xiao Yu go. He was not afraid of Xiao Yu, but knew that it was definitely not the best time to kill Xiao Yu.

And he also knew that Haotian Sect and several other sects wanted Xiao Yu to die, and if they acted directly, they would face the anger of Xiaoyao Sect first.

In fact, every sect who wanted to kill Xiao Yu was hiding this kind of ghost, and no one wanted to be the first person to stand up. Everyone wanted to kill with a knife.

Therefore, to a certain extent, the various sects are in this intriguing relationship.

The mystery of the forest attribute was destroyed, Fu Yuran was killed, and the genius Zhan Xiaoyu was also injured by the soul. Their Purple Spirit Sect was known as the heaven of Zongmen World Array Masters. Their status today is their prestige. , Their reliance is all ruined because of such a young man.

The faces of the five elders were somewhat self-deprecating.

The dignified and arrogant Purple Spirit Sect had fallen to the point it is today.

He watched the boy leave, but they couldn't do anything.

Jiang Yu consumes a lot of soul power because he resists the barrier formation. His face is a little pale, but more often, it is full of gloomy colors.

The venue became very quiet for a while. In the end, it was the third elder who spoke first. He gritted his teeth and said in a condensed voice: "Never let Xiao Yu go! He walked out of our Purple Spirit Sect today, and he will become an enemy of our Purple Spirit Sect in the future! In this way, we don't need to worry about anything!"

The Fourth Elder said solemnly: "Yes, Xiao Yu despised our Purple Spirit Sect, and even let out such rhetoric, he didn't put us in the eyes at all! This has exceeded our bottom line, and we can't bear it anyway. "

Tang Fan took a deep breath, the expression in his eyes also contained murderous intent, and said, "Xiao Yu disregards his affection, and we and Xiaoyaomen will have no relationship in the future. Now we have to study **** him."

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