Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1467: Work Together to Fabricate the Net

Yes, let Xiao Yu go back this time, it means that this time I let go of the opportunity to kill Xiao Yu.

"I am worried about killing Xiao Yu. Maybe this time is not the best opportunity." Jiang Yu, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

It was naturally him who wanted Xiao Yu to die the most.

In the face of his own formation celestial master, Xiao Yu still killed the true disciple of the Purple Spirit Sect Fu Yuran in front of him!

How is he not angry? How does his majesty manifest?

"Elder, what is your strategy?" The elders all looked at Jiang Yu.

"Xiao Yu should have returned from this trip. If he wants to lead him out to kill him, Wen Zhan and the others will definitely increase their defense."

"Yes, and the sect master is still in retreat. If the sect master takes action, it will never die with the Xiaoyaomen, and the Xiaoyaomen can't help us."


Tang Fan immediately said in a deep voice: "Let’s not talk about how much the Xiaoyao Sect still has. The seven sects have jointly controlled the world of the sects for a thousand years. Putting aside the specious relationship between the various sects, it’s just a space crack. I am afraid that the door of Xiaoyao will never be sealed again."

Jiang Yu nodded and said: "That's right. This is also the reason why the Clear Sky School and other sects did not really rush to kill the Xiaoyao Sect. Back then, the Seven Sects were in charge of the space cracks for joint supervision. Although the Black Cliff World is a legend for us, don't I forgot, there have been demon cultivators in the Azure Cloud Region before. Ordinary people don’t know who these demon cultivators are, but we do know that the Xiaoyao Sect is still useful in the sect world, but it is Xiao Yu that we are going to kill."

"The great elder is right," Tang Fan also took the words and said, "Now that the Sect Master is in retreat, even if we are out of the nest, we may at most draw a tie with Wen Zhan and the others, and we may not be able to kill Xiao Yu."

"What should I do then? Should he just let him grow up like this?" The third elder was impatient and asked quickly.

"Of course not," Jiang Yu said with a sly in his eyes, "Didn't you just say that several sects want Xiao Yu to die? It's not that they dare to be the first bird, but they are afraid to make a move. At the theater, if so, why don't we make this introduction?"

"What does the Great Elder mean?" Fan Song, the fifth elder, glanced at Jiang Yu in surprise.

"Xiao Yu went back to the Xiaoyao Gate during this trip. Wen Zhan and the others absolutely knew that we had already had a murderous intent on Xiao Yu and would take strict precautions against us. We simply did as they wished and responded to the Wanbian." Jiang Yu said lightly.

"I still don't understand." The Fourth Elder shook his head.

Tang Fan pondered for a long while, his eyes flashed, and said: "I think I understand what the great elder means. Xiao Yu will probably not go down the mountain easily when he goes back to Xiaoyaomen on this trip, but he can't be in the sect all his life. Let’s not talk about the Sword Enlightenment Conference in Xuanjian Pavilion three months later, and the next general meeting, the Seven Sects Competition, has Xiao Yu been shrinking in the Zongmen all the time?"

The third elder's eyes brightened and said, "Yes, as long as we look at the opportunity and wait for Xiao Yu to go down the mountain, we will lay a net of heaven and earth. However, we are not directly dealing with Xiao Yu, but blocking Wenzhe them."

"I understand!"

Fan Song also suddenly realized: "Killing Xiao Yu directly will touch Wen Zhan's nerves. Even if Xiao Yu is killed, we will be attacked by Xiaoyaomen. But if we just block Wen Zhan's rescue by the next formation. ?"

"Hahaha! Right, why didn't I expect it? The quasi-true disciple Duan Zhihui was killed, and Fengshimen will never let go. They may already be looking at the right opportunity. As long as Xiao Yu gets off the mountain, we will deliberately disclose the news of the action. Listen to the windshield door..."

"If we secretly block, the Windshield Gate will have no worries. Even if they know that Xiao Yu is in danger, Wen Zhan and the others will not be able to rush to the rescue immediately. If Xiao Yu is killed, then even if we know that we do With his hands and feet, what he has to face is not only our Purple Spirit Sect, but also the windshield door. At that time, Xiaoyaomen will definitely weigh himself. In the end, this matter will make a big fuss for a while, and then nothing will stop!"


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