Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1470: I want to practice! (on)

On the other side, Qingyunyu.

After bringing Lin Yao back to Qingyunyu, the entire Lin family was overjoyed.

After a few days of training, Lin Yao also recovered a lot, but still no one dared to go in and disturb her, just because Lin Zhennan's death had hit her too much.

Lin Yao washed her face with tears all day long, and the Lin family didn't know what to do.

In addition, the Lin family now has no leader, and the two elders and the second elders of Lin Xia and Lin Yi have entered the magic way and have been eradicated by Xiao Yu.

Lin Zhi, the three elders, is not strong enough to be the leader. It can be said that the Lin Family of Qingyunyu has also become a mess.

Lin Hu was guarding outside the door, although he was anxious, but he didn't know what to do, because Lin Yao cried again.

"Xiao Yu."

Seeing Xiao Yu coming, Lin Hu quickly stepped forward and whispered: "Miss has been crying for three hours. If this goes on, I am afraid that she will be sad and will end in depression..."

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "Let me come."

"Xiao Yao?"

Xiao Yu pushed the door in, and Lin Yao sat on the bed, hiding her face and crying.

Lin Yao still has such outstanding temperament, her stunning appearance is like a porcelain doll, although she is a little younger than herself, but with the softness and dustiness of her body, she can already be regarded as a big beauty.

Lin Yao's vitality has been restored to its complete appearance since the past few months of cultivation, but because of the sad transition, her face is sad and haggard, and she has also lost a lot of weight, which is really distressing.

"Brother Xiao Yu." Lin Yao wiped away her tears when she saw Xiao Yu coming in, and looked away.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, looked at Lin Yao, who he regarded as his younger sister, and comforted: "Xiao Yao, people cannot come back to life after death, and Patriarch Lin doesn't want to see you like this."

"Brother Xiao Yu, all I know is..." Lin Yao said without a word, her eyes seemed to be red again, and the tears she sipped made people hurt.

It was a relative who had been with me for more than ten years, but was no longer by my side. That kind of pain is not something everyone can tolerate, nor can it be easily calmed down.

Xiao Yu sat down by the bed and said softly, "Xiao Yao, I will tell you a story."

Lin Yao looked at Xiao Yu with tears in her eyes. The latter seemed to have some memories, and slowly said: "There was an orphan in the past. He was abandoned by his parents when he was born and adopted by a family of rich and powerful people. But he discovered that he was originally himself. Unable to cultivate. For more than ten years, he has suffered humiliation, ridicule, neglect, and bullying, but he has not given up because he believes that he will be able to cultivate one day."

Lin Yao seemed to have some interest, and asked: "Then can he practice finally?"

Xiao Yu smiled lightly, stroked Lin Yao's head, and said, "Of course it can. Maybe it's the Emperor who is worthy of his heart. On the day of the sacrificial ceremony, maybe it was God who pityed him, maybe the fate was arranged like this. He got his wish."

"Since then, all members of the family, even those in power there, wanted him to die, but he was not reconciled to die like this, he was not reconciled to awakening talent so deprived. He has been fighting, and finally survived During the period, he was also subjected to a lot of life and death, and even walked on the edge of life and death every time, but he did not give up, because he knew that if he did not take risks, work hard, and not cheer up, then he would never be able to get there. At a higher level, to find the biological parents who left him, it is precisely by virtue of the belief in his heart that he has not been afraid."

Lin Yao wiped her tears and said: "Then he got his wish?"

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