Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1471: I want to practice! (under)


"Why?" Lin Yao asked.

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed indifferently, and said: "Because he knows that he hasn't worked hard enough, and his strength is not enough to reach that level. And he also knows that every battle ends and every battle begins, so he can't relax. I dare not relax, because once he relaxes, then he will never have the opportunity to see his biological parents."

"Is this very difficult?" Lin Yao seemed to ask sympathetically.

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "It's difficult, but if he doesn't do this, how can he find his biological parents? All the difficult times have passed. Instead of complaining about why his parents abandoned him, It's better to spend time on cultivation, use your own strength to find them, and then ask them face to face why they abandoned him. At the same time, it can prove to them that they are enough to make them look up to themselves and be proud of themselves. ,Is not it?"

Lin Yao shook slightly, and said thoughtfully: "Yeah, if you don't do this, then he will really never see his biological parents again. For him, everything he did before Isn't it all in vain?"


Xiao Yu's eyes flickered and said, "If all the difficulties will pass, even if his biological parents are not by his side, whether it is life or death, he also knows that his parents are always by his side."

Lin Yao looked at Xiao Yu, her eyes flickered slightly, and said, "Is that brother Xiao Yu you?"

Xiao Yu nodded, he immediately stood up and said, "Although Patriarch Lin is gone, he will always be by your side. Moreover, there are many people who care about you in the Lin Family. If you become depressed, Patriarch Lin and your ancestors Isn’t the effort going to waste? The world of the sect has been swayed by wind and rain. The Lin family is still very weak and ready for prosperity. All you have to do is to unite the Lin family and cheer up the Lin family. I think that the Lin family’s spirit in the sky will also feel gratified. "

Lin Yao's eyes suddenly turned into a firm look, and said, "Big Brother Xiao Yu said it was right. The Lin family is father's work, and father doesn't want to see me like this."

She tried to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes, and looked at Xiao Yu and said, "I can't let Dad watch the decline of the Lin Family like that. This is not what Dad wants to see. I also want to let Dad look up like brother Xiao Yu. I am proud of me."

Xiao Yu nodded slightly, admiringly.

The so-called everything that can't kill you will make you stronger.

Although Lin Yao was young, he still felt the belief and firmness of the former.

In fact, Lin Yao had a wood flesh **** pattern, but did not have the ability to cultivate. This was indeed a very strange phenomenon, but it was not entirely without chance.

Lin Yao didn't practice cultivation only because of physical reasons. If he could use some kind of heaven and earth elixir to treat him, open up his veins and open up the sea of ​​Qi, he could also cultivate.

Who knows, Lin Yao said firmly and firmly: "Brother Xiao Yu, I want to practice!"


Xiao Yu was stunned. To be honest, Lin Yao was of course happy to have this idea, but the problem was that he didn't seem to be able to help Lin Yao.

"Okay, but you have to take care of your body first, and then I will find a way to help you." Xiao Yu can only say that.

After exiting the room, Xiao Yu looked thoughtful, but Lin Hu leaned forward: "Xiao Yu, what? Miss she..."

"She's okay, but..." Xiao Yu said Lin Yao's thoughts.

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