Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1482: Muyi Thousand Blades (Part 2)

Mu Yi Qianblade is the soul attack sword style that Xiao Yu urged out of the forest attribute formation of Ou Qing.

Although the attack power of this move is not very powerful, the so-called Muyi Thousand Blades is a powerful life cohesion. In other words, it is similar to the "angry" in the life wood formation.

The three wood Yiqian blades were strangled clean and only turned into countless blue smoke, but this blue smoke is the Qi of Wood Yi, Xiao Yu thought, these Qi of Wood Yi immediately moved towards Lu Guobin like a mad bee wave butterfly. Swarmed over.

"call out!"

The blue light flashed, and the Qi of Mu Yi condensed and transformed into a large swath of blue light blade, which was as large as ten meters, and suddenly beheaded towards Lu Guobin.

Lu Guobin's eyes drenched slightly, yes, he hadn't expected this kind of soul power change to be so strange in this scene.

At the same time, facing the strangulation of the three whirlwinds of Bai Ling, Xiao Yu immediately dodged to the side, and one of them rolled around as a donkey, then half-kneeled on the ground, sneered at the scene ahead.

Lu Guobin's thoughts are all above the three whirlwind white silk, if he wants to resist at this time, he will definitely be overwhelmed.

Seeing Xiao Yu so cunning, He Zhonghao frowned.

The strength of the formation mage lies not only in the weird formation and endless changes, but also in the power of the pervasive soul, which is much more weird than the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth.

But He Zhonghao didn't seem to worry about Lu Guobin, he was thinking about one thing.

"Strange, how do I feel, this kid, seems a little different?"

According to the legend outside, Xiao Yu should be a double repairer, and the use of array attacks is understandable, but this is strange.

Throughout the whole process, Xiao Yu was attacking with a soul formation, without using other powers at all.

Before going down the mountain, He Zhonghao did a thorough investigation.

"It is said outside that this kid has superb swordsmanship, his hole cards are endless, and even his physical strength is as strong as an evildoer. Why does he not use it at all?

This is what makes him feel puzzled and confused.

Although the soul realm displayed by the opponent at this time is also at the level of a master of the formation, even the strength of the five-level formations just now is enough to fight against the strong in the spiritual realm, but only using a single power attack, this is not very Strange?

Back on the battlefield.

At this time, as Xiao Yu had expected, Lu Guobin's mind control was all above the three sword styles. Facing the blue light and sharp light formed by the Qi of Mu Yi, Lu Guobin felt that he was enveloped by a large sword.

According to the reaction of ordinary people, facing this kind of attack, because most of the thoughts are elsewhere, even if it is dealt with, it is bound to suffer a little loss.

However, don't forget who Lu Guobin is.

"Boy, so you want to hurt me, you are naive!"

Lu Guobin felt a cold light in his eyes, and then, from under his feet, a white whirlwind suddenly revolved. Suddenly, a white tornado sharp blade revolved a few meters around him.

"Keng Keng!"

All the Li Mangs of Mu Yi's Qi slashed on the white tornado blades, making a metal-like crash.

The whole wood Yi Limang kept cutting forward, but it was as if a mud cow entered the sea, and it seemed to be torn apart by a powerful pulling force. In the end, the entire sword energy as large as ten meters was crushed. Became nothingness.

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes and thought to himself, this Lu Guobin's cultivation base is really extraordinary!

The white tornado disappeared, revealing Lu Guobin's gloomy face like frost.

"Well, everything is over."

Lu Guobin said in a cold voice, but there was endless killing intent in his voice.

His carelessness and contempt before gave the opponent a chance. If it weren't for his superb swordsmanship, he was already injured.

However, there will be no next time.

He lifted Bai Yao, and the Li Mang like Xueshuang suddenly condensed several meters long.

"Ling Yao cut!"

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