Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1483: If you don’t die today, you will be killed in the future

Countless heaven and earth spiritual power swarmed around his long sword, forming a large dazzling white light.

That white light, like a dry banner in Blizzard, is enough to control the life and death of people.

"Your strength really exceeded my expectations, but unfortunately, you are still too weak."

Lu Guobin said indifferently, and then the white light in his hand was cut off.

At the same time that Bai Guang cut out, a kind of vibration occurred in the entire space, and the endless sword intent enveloped the space of 500 meters.

Even so, the so-called rocks and woods in Qingyou Valley were all crushed to pieces because of the fierce sword energy at this moment.

Seeing this scene, He Zhonghao finally realized how strong this Lu Guobin really is.

He asked himself, even if he were not fully defending, he would definitely be killed only skinny.

His gaze fell on Xiao Yu again. What made people feel strange was that Xiao Yu didn't even dodge, nor did Jieyin continue to urge the formation.

Is he waiting to die?

But looking at the calm eyes and calm face, it doesn't look like surrendering and waiting for death!

The strangeness in He Zhonghao's heart is even worse.

"What's the matter, I always feel something is wrong..."

When Xiao Yu arrived, he felt something wrong.

First of all, why come here because I know that Qingyougu is dangerous?

Another one, he felt the concealed breath of the other party from the beginning.

That kind of feeling does not want to be hidden in the sea, because even if it is hidden in the abyss of the sea, it can feel a kind of unpredictable, but there is no such feeling in the other party, it is completely clear water.

At that time he thought Xiao Yu was hiding his breath.

Until now, Xiao Yu has always attacked with formations. Isn't this strange?

Facing the extremely fast speed and the place-style swordsmanship that wanted to put himself to death, Xiao Yu was suddenly relieved, and Bai Guang suddenly cut Xiao Yu's figure, but it was surprising that Lu Guobin's powerful moves were unexpectedly It was directly cut down from Xiao Yu's body to the ground, and even stood on the ground with a ravine several meters deep and tens of meters long.

"Huh?" Lu Guobin's eyes suddenly stunned.

He Zhonghao and his Fengshimen disciple suddenly changed their faces.

"what happened?"

According to the truth, Xiao Yu should have been beheaded for such a mighty and powerful sword light, but Xiao Yu's figure turned out to be like the real one.

"How is it possible? What's going on?" The disciple of the windshield door was also completely stunned.

Even if it was He Zhonghao, and Lu Guobin, the person involved, felt a kind of misgivings.

Xiao Yu's figure became very illusory, and it seemed that there was a feeling of dissipating.

And then, Xiao Yu's figure turned into a greenish green.

He Zhonghao thoughtfully, his face suddenly horrified, said: "How is it possible, is it... is it the soul?"

"No, if it's a soul, isn't he already dead at this time? How could this kind of reaction..." the disciple of the windshield said again incredulously.

Xiao Yu didn't have any emotional fluctuations, and his words were murderous. He said, "Lv Guobin, I am not going to die today, and I will kill you in the future! And your windshield door, since you dare to come here to ambush me, you must have used some method to make The elder can't come halfway, right? Those who can do such a big fight, and have this ability, must be the formation of the Purple Spirit Sect."

"I Xiao Yu remembered your'kindness', and please wash your neck and wait for me."

After that, Xiao Yu disappeared with the wind...

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