Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1484: It turned out to be a clone formation!

"How is it possible? This is really the soul!?"

He Zhonghao finally wanted to understand. He finally knew that he felt that way at the beginning. He also understood why Xiao Yu had always attacked with formations instead of urging other trump cards.

Just because it's just a soul!

And it is not Xiao Yu's body at all!

But isn't this weird?

Since he is a soul, looking at Xiao Yu's appearance and tone, it seems that he is not dead. Can he not die if his soul is beheaded?

This is simply unheard of and simply impossible.

Moreover, can the soul be separated for battle?

There is another thing that scares him the most, then if all this is true, Xiao Yu's single soul realm is so powerful!

What if it is the body?

He simply couldn't imagine.

"I remember!" The disciple of the Fengshimen suddenly exclaimed and said, "I heard the brothers who were watching the battle in the Purple Spirit Sect say that Xiao Yu was the wood in the mysterious realm of the forest attribute. The clone, I heard that if you fully understand the lower limit, it will have 80% of the power of the realm of the soul."

Eighty percent of the soul power!

This one was similar to what I had just thought, but it was more shocking than what He Zhonghao thought.

"Eighty percent of the power of the soul realm, how powerful this kid is..." He Zhonghao was completely stunned.

Abandoning the strength of Xiao Yu's spiritual realm that they knew, they didn't expect that the formation of this line of attainments would also possess such an astonishing level.

What he thought was that if it was the 100% offensive power of the main body just now, wouldn't it have the strength to fight Lu Guobin?

"call out!"

Lu Guobin suddenly turned into a white light and flicked towards him. In his eyes, he sipped endless white light.

Obviously, the strength of the "Xiao Yu" just now was simply inferior to his own. The opponent was just struggling to death.

And Lu Guobin did not expect that it was only to test them, and he wanted to kill Xiao Yu, now is the best opportunity.

"He Zhonghao, you go to the exit of Qingyunyu to intercept, you can't let Xiao Yu go back!"

Lu Guobin in the distance suddenly spread a word, and He Zhonghao also reacted immediately.

"If it were really the soul clone formation, Xiao Yu would definitely not be too far away! Maybe he is nearby! Let's chase!"

He also turned into a gust of wind, and immediately swept in the direction of the blue cloud domain.

"Xiao Yu, I didn't expect you to have this one! We were all tricked by you!!" He Zhonghao gritted his teeth with hatred, and urged him to move.

This time, if you still kill Xiao Yu without dying, you don't know when you have to wait next time!

Lu Guobin went to chase Xiao Yu, and all he had to do was guard the pass of the Azure Cloud Region and couldn't let Xiao Yu go back.

Yes, he was right. At this time, at a distance of ten kilometers from the battle center, Xiao Yu suddenly opened his eyes.

The "Xiao Yu" just now was the work of his Mu Zhi clone, and it was also the formation that Xiao Yu urged to test the danger ahead.

Because it is a clone of the power of the soul, with only a hint of Xiao Yu's mind, Xiao Yu can control the clone to fight.

But just as Zhonghao thought, the distance here can't be too far, just because if the distance is too far, Xiao Yu's body will be dangerous, and his mind control will become weaker.

The urging of Mu Zhi's clone, coupled with so much soul power that was activated just now, as well as the long-distance mind control, had already made Xiao Yu's soul feel exhausted.

When he woke up, his face was slightly pale, but he did not dare to stay for a moment, just because he had already felt that a murderous intent coming here quickly was approaching.

"Xiao Yao, go!"

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