Shura God Emperor

Chapter 149: Seeking wealth in insurance

The Forest of Boxing Tablets is the place where the royal monarch sits. It is said that it is a huge deep forest. This deep forest is independent from the Xinglin Yun, but the Chenbei Dynasty paid the price of beating to the Zongmen's formation. The mage then arranged a huge array of thousands of meters.

Inside this formation is the Forest of Boxing Tablets.

It is said that there is a stone stele in the Fist Stele Forest. There are many scratches on the stele, including fists, feet, and various weapons. This was portrayed by the monarchs of previous dynasties through their cultivation before sitting.

Then provide the impression of enlightenment to the royal family's children and the royal family's children.

But 80% of this stele is full of fist marks, so it is called the Forest of Fist Steles.

"Marshal Tang, are you worried that I am in danger?" Xiao Yu groaned.

You know, ordinary children, who have not joined the royal camp, and are not royal heirs, will never have the opportunity to enter into it.

Legend has it that this forest of boxing steles is only opened once a year, because after all, there are the monarch's mood on the stele, but these moods will be consumed.

Someone will be consumed by enlightenment, and then gather and provide to the genius children of later generations after an interval of one year.

Therefore, this place is very rare, how can it be given to Xiao Yu who is outside the royal family casually?

In addition, Tang Yiguo applied a mask of energy, isn't he just afraid of ears on the wall?

Tang Yiguo urged: "I suspect that the queen will deal with you. You must participate in this quota. If you don't go, the queen will use the crime of defying orders and defying the king's power to copy your Xiao family."

Xiao Yu sneered in his heart, what a queen, she did such an amazing job to get rid of herself!

He didn't intend to assassinate himself with the knife in the rain last time because it was related to Tianfumen and the queen, because Tang Yiguo was able to do this for his sake.

Xiao Yu thanked him and said, "Marshal Tang, thank you for telling me this, but I don't want to burden you too much. If there is a need in the future, I will return your favor."

Tang Yiguo waved his hand and said, "Although I am the queen's person, I also watched you grow up. With your relationship with Ling'er, I can't just sit back and watch. Of course I want you to understand that I can do it. , That's all."

"I understand," Xiao Yu smiled, revealing the rare indifferentness of young people, and said: "The queen wants to move me, she also has to weigh her own abilities, but if I cross my bottom line, I will fight back. ."

Tang Yiguo took a deep look at the clarified young man, did not say anything, then explained the time and precautions for entering the forest of boxing steles, and then went back.

Go back to your yard.

"Rhubarb, do you think I am very dangerous this time?" Xiao Yu asked.

The Boxing Stele Forest is another small star forest cloud. There is also a great danger in it. In addition, there are so many talented children who enter it to compete for the enlightenment resources. Maybe there is a queen's ambush design. Then Xiao Yu will wake up ten. Dichotomous spirit.

Rhubarb lay on the ground lazily and said, "Don't you know if you are asking for wealth and danger? I have probed the boxing stele forest that the guy said. I have to say that your little dynasty still has a lot of power. Human, I think you can come in."

Xiao Yu asked curiously, "Rhubarb, did you detect something?"

Rhubarb patted his ears and raised his dog's head and said: "There is a good boxing technique on that rock. That boxing technique should be obtained by chance from your people here. I think it suits you well. All spiritual skills of the level must be strong."

Xiao Yu's eyes lit up and he said firmly, "Okay, then I will go there again. No matter what you want to do with me, I will take it!"

He had already made up his mind. Since he had the opportunity to enter it, he definitely had to take a good walk.

A few days later, on this day, Xiao Yu's strength broke through to the middle stage of the confluence state.

That night, a figure flicked towards Xinglinyun in a certain direction.

The speed of this figure was not very fast, but then, the speed of this figure was so fast that it turned into a silver-white light.

"call out!"

In an instant of kung fu, the figure is a hundred meters away.

This figure is surprisingly Xiao Yu.

The speed body technique he used was amazingly silver charm.

Yin Mei had been initially mastered by Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu looked a little surprised.

"Silver Charm is much faster than Shadow Stepping. At my speed, let alone the middle stage of the Confluence of Qi, even if you are in the late stage, you may not be able to find me!"

Soon, Xiao Yu arrived at his destination, which was the place of that vein.

There was still no difference in this area, but Xiao Yu discovered that the path to the inside that he had detected was already a trace of being explored.

He guessed that Baoxuan Pavilion must have started to do something.

He doesn't care about these, and he doesn't want these mineral veins. What he thinks is the things that make people worry about it.

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