Shura God Emperor

Chapter 150: Weirdness in fantasy

Because last time Xiao Yu used his soul consciousness to explore, he found something unusual in the mineral vein.

Therefore, he originally wanted to tell Palin when he was leaving, but after thinking about it, he decided to explore it himself because he felt that the things in the veins were very unusual.

If you want to enter the mineral vein, it is absolutely impossible to detect with soul consciousness, because soul consciousness is not the body after all, it is too fragile.

And, most importantly, soul consciousness is only a part of his soul, not all.

Xiao Yu went to the back of this formation following the route he had explored, and then went straight into the vein through a complicated path.

After entering inside, Xiao Yu was even more shocked to discover that the things inside the vein seemed to be more powerful and terrifying.

That kind of breath is full of a wild taste.

Xiao Yu became more vigilant, his surroundings were very bright, but he had already seen the veins completely, but he could only touch 90% of the ore, and the 10% inside was more complicated. This time to protect.

These ores are full of this silver and black color. This is the rough stone for forging treasures. Xiao Yu is not interested in this. What he is interested in is the stuff inside.

"I want to go inside and take a look."

Xiao Yu took a deep breath and became restrained.

The last time he explored, he had spent too much energy to crack the illusion outside and find a way to go deeper, so he had no extra soul power to continue exploring.

With the experience of the last time, Xiao Yu's soul power this time directly explored and entered inside, directly breaking through this very complicated phantom formation.

But this also consumed Xiao Yu's full two hours.

He withdrew the power of the soul, took a deep breath, and said: "Finally cracked, go in and take a look."

The closer he got to the inside of the vein, Xiao Yu felt very nervous because he didn't know what was inside.

However, what made him vigilant was that although the aura was violent, it was very restrained, and it didn't seem to be lethal.

When his soul consciousness entered the veins, he couldn't see what it was.

Therefore, he decided to take the risk with his own body, because invisible, Xiao Yu always felt that the things in the mineral vein seemed to be calling himself.

He took a few steps, and the power of the soul led the way. Soon, what shocked Xiao Yu was that he had entered a purple world?

Xiao Yu was stunned. In this world, in front of Xiao Yu, there was suddenly a curly strange creature, a green lizard the size of a palm.

Xiao Yu was directly stunned.

"Isn't it? It's such a big noise? Show me this?"

He originally thought there would be some surprises waiting for him, but who knew that there was only one ordinary lizard in this purple world?

Xiao Yu's originally hot heart was instantly put out.

"While I spent so much energy, I didn't expect it to be this thing."

Xiao Yu suddenly felt bored, he had already planned to go out.

what the hell? He thought it would be something precious, who would think it turned out to be this thing.

Xiao Yu decided to go out here, and then sealed the phantom formation.

After all, although it was a strange lizard suspended, this purple world was a bit weird.

He had never seen this color. The purple had a bright luster, which made people feel its extraordinary.

But with this green lizard that doesn't fit in the slightest, it would be too horrible.

Just as Xiao Yu was about to come out, the lizard suddenly opened its eyes, and even if the tongue was extended several meters, it would directly bind Xiao Yu firmly.

Xiao Yu was taken aback and wanted to break free. Who knew that when he wanted to break free, he was shocked to find that the tongue of this lizard was so powerful that he couldn't break free!

How is this possible?

His physical strength is at the same level, and it is impossible for anyone beyond his level to shake him, but how big is this lizard? Is it an extraordinary thing?

Xiao Yu didn't know, all he knew was that the feeling of being restrained was very uncomfortable.

"Let me see how powerful you are!"

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and the strength of the thirteenth layer of the wolf demon exploded in an instant, with a thud, and the tongue showed some signs of expansion.

The lizard was suspended in mid-air, its protruding eyes rolled, its tongue suddenly tightened again, and Xiao Yu was restrained again.


Xiao Yu was horrified again, what the **** was this thing?

Who knows, that lizard shortened its tongue directly and swept towards Xiao Yu...

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