Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1497: Fire control

Meng Hufa shouted and shook his hand, a strange spell murmured in his mouth, and then he held a Xiong Lie fire sword in his hand.

The fire sword suddenly rose to a length of three meters, the heat wave hit people, and the blazing flame was full of sharp aura.

The surrounding temperature rose instantly.

Lu Guobin used his whirlwind white silk again, but this time, it swept a hundred meters as large as it was, and it was a bit stronger than the attack against Xiao Yu.

Such an offensive, the Earth Spirit Realm is simply not enough, even in the early stage of the Sky Spirit Realm of the same level, it is impossible to resist the underground without urging all its strength.

"This Lu Guobin's sword intent is really terrifying!"

A full 800 meters apart, Xiao Yu still felt a bit of chill.

And He Zhonghao didn't sit idle either. What he urged was a wind-based killer move, like the blue waves of a static wave, swept over fiercely, and it was also a supernatural power.

Although the two did not use their full strength, in order to kill Meng Hufa, they also used seven or eight points of strength.

However, they seemed to underestimate Meng Hufa, his long sword was suddenly cut out, and the flames stretched out a waterfall of fire, and then they rushed toward the offensive of the two.

The power displayed by Meng Hufa has reached the middle of the heavenly spirit realm, but the ability of his spiritual technique is even three points stronger than the offensive of the general supernatural powers.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Shengxiang was suddenly amazed——

"This is the spiritual technique! And the spiritual technique is not something anyone can practice. It must be a person who has been baptized in the Huoling Mountain by the incantation sect to use this spiritual technique."

"Where is Huoling Mountain?" Xiao Yu asked intentionally or unintentionally.

"It is the sacred mountain in the southern cloud region. According to legend, I don’t know how many hundred years ago, a flame fell on the mountain. The flame burned for three days and three nights, and the entire mountain was full of rich fire attributes. There will be fire spirits flying out. After the baptism of fire spirits, you can use this kind of fire spirit spirit. The entire magic sect is most proud of this kind of fire control spirit, and of course there are other attributes. , But strictly speaking, it is similar to other magical powers or formations of certain attributes."

Xiao Yu nodded slightly.

It is like the fire attribute formation condensed by the power of the soul, and it is also the same attribute, but the source of power is different.

However, if you really want to rank, among the same attributes, the power attribute between heaven and earth is naturally the most powerful, like burning a fire, or the power of a windshield door that is close to the natural wind attribute.

It was able to breed the pure fire attribute power of the seed of fire like the sand domain. This was definitely not an ordinary flame. Apart from the burning fire between the heavens and the earth, Xiao Yu couldn't think of any fire attributes that could be so pure.

Meng Hufa's huge flame wave was very powerful, and suddenly it collided with Lu Guobin and He Zhonghao's offensive. After the two were deadlocked for a while, Lu Guobin's swordsmanship and He Zhonghao's supernatural powers were swallowed.

Of course, together with the surging fire waves of Meng Hufa, a powerful shock wave swept out, Meng Hufa, Lu Guobin, and He Zhonghao all retreated suddenly.

Of course, Lu Guobin and He Zhonghao were in a lot of embarrassment, their clothes were all burnt, and the powerful flame spiritual technique really made them suffer a lot.

"Old guy, you are looking for death!" He Zhonghao was furious, as if he was about to launch a more powerful offensive, but then his face moved slightly...

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