Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1498: Close hand

Meng Hufa's face was stunned, and with one move, an extra fire snake was wrapped around his arm.

The fire snake's eyes were a kind of weird purple, and the slender tongue seemed cute, but He Zhonghao clearly sensed a strong and pure fire attribute energy fluctuation.

Meng Hufa’s face was gloomy and terrifying. Although his realm was higher than that of the opponent, you must know that Lu Guobin and He Zhonghao are true disciples. Their talent and strength should not be underestimated. He just has a little advantage. .

"This is the Fire Nether Snake that the old man has cultivated for twenty years. If you want to try it, please come up."

"You..." Why didn't He Zhonghao know that Meng Hufa was not easy to deal with?

If the two-year people go all out, they might actually be able to kill the protector of this spell school, but if this happens, they will definitely be severely injured. Then Xiao Yu will come out to hunt them down?

Lu Guobin sipped Senhan's sword light on his face, staring at Hufa Meng, and said, "Are you really going to protect that kid to offend our Vast Sky Sect? I am afraid that the anger of my Vast Sky Sect is something that your Curse Sect cannot bear. It started!"

Meng Hufa's eyes were startled and uncertain, of course he didn't want to offend Clear Sky School.

In less than 30 years, the Clear Sky Sect had risen to such a terrifying level. Without the background, who would dare to believe it?

Although the outside world was speculating, no one dared to provoke Clear Sky Sect at all, and no one knew the true strength of Clear Sky Sect.

To be honest, Meng Hufa was also very hesitant at this time.

"If I protect the kid at this time, then Clear Sky School, the windshield door will be offended. But if I don't protect the kid, we won't know the secrets of him."

A certain induction fluctuation in Xiao Yu's body related to the fire spirit made Huo Meng hesitate.

"The priest is gestating the fire beast recently, and is in urgent need of a large amount of fire spirit power. The conference has been progressing for ten years. If this time is not successful, we have to recalculate. That kid is extraordinary, and his fire spirit is Qi is even purer than that in the priest's body. If there is him in the sacrificial meeting, if the fire beast is 10%, our curse sect can compete with the seven sects!"

At the thought of this, Meng Hufa gritted his teeth and seemed to have made a big decision.

On the contrary, Lu Guobin looked at him coldly, and He Zhonghao sneered in his heart. People in the sect world were afraid of their seven sects, even this closed southern cloud region was no exception.

No matter how strong you are, in front of my seven sects, don't you still have to step back?

It's just that the words of Meng Hufa next made their faces even more gloomy.

"The person you are looking for is not here. As I said just now, the Bloodfang Sect is a subsidiary sect of my curse sect. If you want to destroy this mountain, you are going against my cursed sect!" Meng Hufa said coldly.

"Let's go!" Lu Guobin's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he took a deep breath. He actually put away his momentum, stopped entanglement, turned and left.

Lu Guobin is gone, can He Zhonghao not leave?

Without two steps, Lu Guobin turned his head and scanned the Bloodfang Sect in the distance coldly, his voice resounding in the sky like thunder——

"Xiao Yu, I know you are inside! Good luck this time and find someone to protect you, but you have to know that people in the Manzong Sect world will get rid of you, unless you can't escape for a lifetime, otherwise, The Seven Sect Martial Arts Tournament is your final death!"

Lu Guobin and He Zhonghao left thousands of meters away and finally stopped. The latter gritted his teeth and said: "Why are we leaving, miss this time..."

Lu Guobin's gaze fell on He Zhonghao, and some strange cold light flashed in his eyes, and the former suddenly felt cold all over his body.

"Don't talk to me in that tone, I'm not in the same group with you."

He Zhonghao was frightened and furious, and Lu Guobin said in a deep voice: "Counting time, we have been delayed for too long. The Zi Lingzong's formation time should almost expire. It is impossible to kill Xiao Yu this time."

He Zhonghao also calmed down. He took a deep breath, as if he almost forgot about it.

Whether it's Han Yi or Wen Zhan, Elder Jiang, or one of these three, they know that they will be trapped, and they will definitely rush to the blue clouds, and they will definitely search for them in a radius of tens of miles. , It was impossible to kill Xiao Yu.

The corner of Lu Guobin’s mouth raised a faintly cold arc, and said: “The **** person will definitely die. It’s just that the time has not come. If you can’t kill him this time, then wait for the Seven Sects Tournament. Don’t forget. Competitions are all about life and death!"


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