Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1511: The western region of graves with internal and external troubles

It turned out that Ji Yining's father, the domain master of the Western Regions of Tomb, became infatuated due to practice, and his body was damaged and his injuries were extremely serious. The two brothers and sisters made this trip to obtain a sixth-level spiritual pill "Recovery Pill".

Xiao Yu's expression moved slightly after hearing this.

Six-Rank Spirit Pill!

That is not something that can be swallowed and absorbed in the three-day realm!

You know, basically the level of each realm corresponds to the relative spirit pill swallowed.

Just like the four realms of pill formation, only four-rank spirit pills are suitable. If you swallow the five-stage spirit pill, because the energy is too large, once swallowed, it is likely to reach the point of bursting, or the effect of the medicine will dissipate, causing waste.

"Unexpectedly, my grandson also broke through the cultivation base of the three-day realm." Xiao Yu said.

The sect world itself is very huge. Except for some powerful second-rate sects that have powers in the heavenly spirit realm, or the existence of the suzerain who has surpassed the three-day realm, others such as the Southern Cloud Region and the Western Tomb Region, these ancient and inherited The huge area is also very powerful.

It's just that they are relatively complacent, they haven't had too much communication with the forces in the central hinterland, and the outside world rarely knows their specific strengths.

But it is undeniable that regions like the Western Region of Tomb and the Southern Cloud Region have their own unique cultivation methods and proud heritage, and even the Seven Sects will not provoke them at will.

Just like the spiritual method in the southern cloud domain.

As for the Tomb Western Region, Xiao Yu didn't know much, but he guessed that even if it was not as powerful as the Southern Cloud Region, it definitely had its own unique side.

Otherwise, Ji Yining would not reach the level of Grand Master of Formation at a young age, and would have awakened his heart and soul.

Ji Qingshan is obviously very dissatisfied with her elder brother and an outsider who said so much about their graves in the Western Regions, after all, that is a secret!

Xiao Yu didn't ask others either, but said: "Then the difficulty of your trip must be quite large."

Six-Rank Spirit Pill, it is estimated that they will all become the treasure of the town of Hundred Medicine Valley. Even the Seven Sects might not be able to easily let them out, right?

Ji Yining sighed, and said, "You are right, but whenever there is a chance, we will also try. Otherwise, those casual cultivators who are eyeing our graves in the Western Regions may have to act."


This time, Ji Qingshan's face changed slightly, and she called out immediately.

Ji Yining also knew that she had said too much, and she was silent.

Xiao Yu appeared calm and said, "Then we can join hands on this trip."

"That's right."

After talking for a while, Ji Yining was upset, Fang Cun was a little confused, and then he left Xiao Yu and took Ji Qingshan to go to the room to rest first.

Inside the room, Ji Qingshan waved her hand, and a purple-black energy envelope enveloped the two of them.

She grumbled: "Brother, why say so much to an outsider, are you trying to get him to help us? His talent is strong, and he also has Xiaoyaomen as a backer, but what is his situation now, you have no reason not to know!"

"Qingshan, if my father's condition can't be cured this time, we will be in danger in the Western Regions. In any case, Xiao Yu's talent potential lies there. This person will definitely have extraordinary power to pass the test. To be on the safe side, make friends whenever you can. One more friend is better than one enemy."

"That is to say, almost no one outside knows about the matter of our Tomb Western Region. If we can solve it by ourselves, it is best. Otherwise, if someone knows that we have the corpse, I am afraid that the Tomb Western Region will incur a disaster!"

Ji Yining's eyes solemnly said: "I guess this news has already been revealed, otherwise they won't be eyeing them. In any case, after this trip to the Hundred Medicine Valley, I will make plans. As for Xiao Yu, if he can help We, then it’s best to be friends. If it’s useless for us, then treat it as a fate."


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