Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1512: Do you still want to grab it

Not far from this room, Xiao Yu was sitting cross-legged, and he suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes flashing.

"Although you are under the barrier, how do you know that before I came, I had planted Tianmu seeds in the entire hotel?"

Tianmu seeds are a miraculous thing. Although they were attributed to a single seed because of excessive consumption last time, Xiao Yu discovered that he had another way of using this seed.

Just like this kind of "planting" similar to the formation, it can also be said to be control.

Xiao Yu guessed that this was because after Tianmu Seed had taken control of the huge forest attribute secret realm, it urged its powerful extension power, to be precise, it should be the invasion power.

The Tianmu God Formation is all-pervasive, silent, and sprouted slightly, and a restaurant is just a matter of effort.

During the conversation with Ji Yining, Xiao Yu had already planted the seeds quietly. This was not only because he wanted to monitor some of Ji Yining’s "mind", but also to let himself know more about Baiyaogu. Things.

Unexpectedly, this was something he heard about the Tomb Western Region.

"Sure enough, Ji Yining wanted to make friends with me, because he wanted me to help them."

When talking downstairs, Xiao Yu guessed what was going on in their family. He didn't expect that it would endanger the entire western part of the grave, reaching the point of internal and external troubles.

"What are the corpses they are talking about? It looks like it will attract the siege of other people's forces?"

Xiao Yu thought for a while, but didn't think much after he couldn't figure it out.

For him, Ji Yining is not a friend of the so-called seeing people's hearts for a long time, and the difficulties in the Western Regions have nothing to do with him.

There are still many crises of his own, how can he help them out?

And he is not so arrogant that he can do whatever he wants and be the savior of the world.

No words for a night.

Early the next morning, Xiao Yu and Ji Yining set off together.

There seems to be a lot of people going to Hundred Medicine Valley, just because the alchemy conference is held today, almost all the young alchemists along the way, there are very few practitioners seeking alchemy.

The road to Hundred Medicine Valley was very rugged. From a distance of about tens of miles away, I saw the towering mountains, and Xiao Yu felt that the spiritual power of heaven and earth that contained the fragrance of heaven and earth became stronger.

"By the way, Brother Xiao, are you seeking pill for improving cultivation?" Ji Yining asked suddenly.

Yesterday it seemed that because of his family's affairs, he was disappointed behind, and he didn't ask too clearly.

After coming and going two times, Ji Yining also asked after getting to know her.

There is no alchemist in Xiaoyao Sect, and there is no alchemist. Everyone knows this. There is nothing wrong with going down the mountain for medicine and pill.

Xiao Yu pondered for a moment, and said, "You can ask for it, it depends on whether you ask for it or not."

Brother and sister Ji Yining were surprised. Why does this sound so weird?

But Ji Qingshan snorted coldly: "If you can't please, don't you still want to grab it?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said nothing, thinking that's what I thought, of course it was a unavoidable situation.

I'm afraid that if they knew Xiao Yu's thoughts, they would definitely be scared to go with Xiao Yu.

"Those who have come to Baiyao Valley to seek pill are either imprinted to help Baiyao Valley do something. Or they become disciples of Baiyao Valley. There are almost a hundred people. Only one can impress Baiyao Valley. All are reluctant to withdraw because of conditions." Ji Yining shook his head slightly.

Obviously, for this trip to seek pill, he did not hope very much.

"Brother, we will succeed. When we offer the'Silver Coffin', maybe Bai Yaogu will agree.

Hearing this silver coffin, the people of Tomb West Region looked solemn, while Ji Qingshan's eyes were a bit sad, and Ji Yining bowed his head silently.

Silver coffin?

Xiao Yu said silently in his heart, maybe something very precious.

"The Hundred Medicine Valley is ahead!"

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