Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1534: Seven Yin Sha

His attention just now was on the offensive of the sound waves inside the golden cicada cover, but in a short period of time, he discovered a terrible phenomenon——

That is, under the valley of Hundred Medicines, many things similar to the power of the soul have been planted, and they are trying to transform the barrier of attack of Hundred Medicine Valley.

"how is this possible?!"

Even the elders like Yu Chen shrank their pupils and looked at each other.

Their souls are connected with the barrier, and this barrier is formed by the underground poisonous miasma and other evil spirits. If there is an invasion of foreign objects, why would they not know?

"No, that's where it grew!" Yu Chen's face changed drastically, and he looked at the cross-legged young man in the translucent golden cicada hood.

"Right! This kid is a Array Mage!" Fan Zhi said quickly.

The formation exchange meeting of the Purple Spirit Sect can be said to have something in common with their Hundred Medicine Valley, because they are all based on the soul test.

Therefore, that incident had already spread throughout the entire sect world, let alone their Hundred Medicine Valley.

Yu Chen's face changed abruptly, as if thinking of something, he immediately shouted towards Qiu Qingrong in the distance: "Valley Master, this kid has the ability to control the formation, he is trying to control our Zhengu barrier!"

Hearing Yu Chen's call, the expressions of all the disciples of Baiyao Valley were moved.

"How is it possible? He has the ability to control the formation?"

"Although he is an array mage, this is an enchantment! It is not an array of soul power, is this really okay?" All those alchemists are incredulous.

Even Zhong Xiajie was shocked.

I don’t know how many people know the name of Xiao Yu. If he could really do this, then how mysterious and powerful his soul is?

But for Ji Yining, he couldn't help trembling all over.

The scene of the Purple Spirit Sect at that time seemed to be right in front of him.

He could not forget how Xiao Yu counter-controlled the entire forest attribute secret realm and killed the remnant soul of the strongest sovereign in the history of the Purple Spirit Sect.

No one knows exactly how Xiao Yu did it, but everyone knows that Xiao Yu's talents and accomplishments in the formation line are simply beyond ordinary people's comprehension.

"Brother, is this...really okay?" Ji Qingshan couldn't help asking.

Ji Yining is an array mage, she naturally knows a lot about the array mage.

Enchantment is not a formation method, but a higher level than the formation method.

She has also heard about the Purple Spirit Sect, but to counter-control a larger and higher-level formation, I am afraid that only the formation celestial master of the living spirit realm has this ability, right?

Ji Yining's eyes flashed with an astonishing light. He had already admitted that he regarded Xiao Yu highly, but he did not expect that he still underestimated Xiao Yu's ability.

Of course they didn't know that Xiao Yu could not control the barrier for the time being, he just needed to influence the barrier.

And this one was pierced by Qiu Qingrong.

"Huh! Control the enchantment? Even the formation celestial master does not have this ability. I will see how you control the barrier of my Hundred Medicine Valley!"

Qiu Qingrong said so. Of course, he also felt that Hundred Medicine Valley was being wrapped in something. If this continues, even if the barrier is still under his control, who is bound to be affected.

The most important thing now is to kill this kid before he controls the barrier!

To be honest, Xiao Yu's talent and xinxing really made Qiu Qingrong a little jealous. You know, he is an alchemy celestial master!

"No, kill him quickly!"

That kind of threat is invisible, affects people's mind, and makes people uneasy.

He simply couldn't imagine such a person's spiritual realm strength, and why a young man in the soul realm of a great master of formation gave him such a strong feeling.

He finally understood why the big sects in the sect world had to eradicate Xiao Yu, even though he still controls the barrier now, but he just wants to quickly kill this scourge.

Qiu Qingrong gritted his teeth, and the colorful clouds in the sky condensed again, and this time, it actually covered the entire Hundred Medicine Valley.

"Master Gu made a big move!"

"This is Seven Layers of Yin Sha!" Yu Chen and the others were ecstatic.

Suddenly, the colorful clouds and mist in the sky became turbulent, and in the blink of an eye, seven colorful tornadoes rotating at the same time formed.

"Xiao Yu, it's over! Die!"

(PS: The group book number: 488931126, reminder, discussion can be added to the group)

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