Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1535: The dragon

The terrifying coercion, with the power of hundreds of years under the valley of Hundred Medicines, turned into seven hundred-meter whirlpools, and was swept down fiercely.

From a distance, the colorful vortex in the sky seemed to rush out of the abyss and devour life, and the metal filed towards the golden mask.

Seeing such a scene, a golden light flashed, and the little dragon appeared in front of Xiao Yu, raising his head to look up at the sky. There was a color of determination in those eyes like tigers.

That is a kind of unwillingness to surrender, and is bound to fight the determination of heaven and earth.

The golden light on Xiaolong's body flashed again, and countless energy turned into a torrent of energy that was applied on the hemispherical mask.

This is the Xiaolong's extreme urging of all its remaining energy, but the boy next to it has not succeeded at this time, it must help Xiao Yu buy more time.


The little dragon exploded the most desperate energy output since it swallowed the golden cicada, and the original translucent mask once again glowed with a bright look.

It can be seen that the translucent golden mask has once again become substantial, and the golden light shines on the entire Hundred Medicine Valley.

"Huh! It's useless, under my seven layers of Yin Sha, even if it's in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, you must die!" Qiu Qingrong said coldly.

There was a painful look on Xiaolong's entire head. If he couldn't persist this time, then Xiao Yu would be in danger of life.

"Boom boom boom!"

The seven vortexes bombarded the golden cicada cover at the same time. In an instant, the entire valley made a deafening noise, and the ground shook the mountain as if the earth was about to turn over. Almost everyone could not stand firm. .

"It's terrifying, so powerful, even in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, it's hard to resist!" A person from the Western Region of Tomb said immediately.

Ji Yining's face was solemn to the extreme.

He himself is the realm of the Great Master of Formation, and his strength is comparable to that of the Spirit Realm.

But he felt that even if there were ten of them, facing such a terrifying attack barrier, it would be almost deadly, let alone Xiao Yu.

He even prayed in his heart that Xiao Yu could survive these attacks, even though he knew the hope was very slim.

The moment the seven-fold vortex bombarded it, the golden light dimmed in an instant, almost becoming a transparent color, with only a faint golden light on it.


Because the golden cicada cover is the dragon's full defense state, an attack on the golden cicada cover is equivalent to an attack on the dragon.

Therefore, at the moment when the Seven Layers of Yin Sha attacked, Xiao Long didn't even lie down, as if he was suppressed by the mountain, he just lay on the ground, bleeding from the seven holes.

The dragon's breath was extremely weak, and the terrifying attack made its body almost collapsed, but it looked at the frowning boy next to it, and the dragon tried hard to support itself with its limbs.

Even if suppressed by the mountain, Xiaolong will not give up.

Everyone was moved when they saw this scene.

The so-called demon pets are their own demon beast companions. If you can find such a master and friend's companion, you may not be able to find one among the thousands.

The seven-layered evil spirit was constantly antagonizing in the mid-air, covered by a few kilograms of transparent golden cicada. Above that golden cicada, Jin Guang seemed unwilling to be exterminated like this, and there seemed to be hope of re-burning.

However, Hundred Medicine Valley's attack barrier is really terrifying.

"Boom boom boom!"

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