Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1536: Golden cicada shattered

The Seven Layers of Yin Shao continued to exert pressure, and the Golden Cicada Mask finally came down. It seemed that it could last a few seconds at most, and the entire Golden Cicada Shao would shatter, and Xiao Yu would face the so-called power of the Seven Layers of Yin Shao.


Xiaolong finally couldn't bear it, and lay down on the ground again, this time it was almost dying.

It raised its eyelids lightly, and seemed to want to fight for Xiao Yu's last bit of time. It believed that Xiao Yu would succeed. This boy who has always been with it and has never let it down.

On the other hand, even though Xiao Yu's mind has been in contact with the Tianmu branches, constantly transmitting the power of the soul, don't forget that he is a person with a state of mind and soul. How could he not know what Xiaolong did?

His mind was dizzy and confused because of the power of his soul, but he felt that Xiaolong was desperately trying to buy time for himself, and he had to fight side by side. Xiao Yu had an infinite fighting spirit in his heart. .

"I will succeed! Xiaolong, you will not waste your efforts!"


There was a sudden roar in Xiao Yu's mind, and the endless soul power urged once again, like the waves and the sea, all of which were transported to the branches of the sky tree.

The Tianmu branch itself has received powerful nutrients, and it has already grown all over the sky, but because the barrier of Hundred Medicine Valley is too strong, if it really interferes with this barrier, it needs another energy transmission.

But this time, just like a long drought and rainy rain, the branches of Tianmu "boom". This time, just like hundreds of horses vying for the flow and tens of thousands of horses, all the branches extend once again and grow thick at the same moment. And spread the entire underground of Baiyao Valley.

If you look closely, you can see that Xiao Yu's face is extremely pale at this time, even if it is his soul, only a little clarity is left, and everything else is in a state of chaos.

This is of course returning to the soul state of an ordinary person. If he hadn't kept a little spiritual platform clear and bright, his soul had already been emptied at this time, and it would be impossible to recover.

"found it!"

Even though an endless feeling of sleepiness, confusion, and chaos came, Xiao Yu still did not give up, and finally, he found the "source" of the barrier.

The so-called source point is the energy source of Hundred Medicine Valley, which attacks the barrier. These source points are not only the place to maintain the energy of the many spirit medicines of Hundred Medicine Valley, but also the energy gathering of this evil and poisonous miasma. The source.

Xiao Yu certainly couldn't destroy it, and he didn't have the ability to destroy it.

As mentioned before, enchantment is not a formation method after all. If it is a formation method, the branches of the sky tree can be eroded and counter-controlled.

This kind of origin, according to Xiao Yu's guess, even the Heavenly Spirit Realm could not be breached. This was the most fundamental reason why Hundred Medicine Valley attacked the barrier.

Just because the Heavenly Spirit Realm couldn't be penetrated, it could only be penetrated by a powerhouse with more than three days of strength.

Therefore, the master of the three-day realm is simply looking for death in the attack barrier of Hundred Medicine Valley.

Xiao Yu also found these sources through the branches of the sky wood in a state of fighting the dust.

And as he said before, he is not trying to counter-control or invade, but to interfere with these sources.


All the branches of the sky wood entangled towards one of the source points at this moment.

The so-called dragging the whole body, as long as the energy output of one source is disturbed, the control of the entire attack formation will be disturbed, and the Seven-layer Yin Sha cannot attack Xiao Yu again. This is what Xiao Yu will do!

And most importantly, because controlling this large-scale attacking barrier, it must be guided by the soul consciousness. Xiao Yu can use this to use the sky tree branches as the traction to let his soul consciousness enter the barrier, thereby Interfere.


At this moment, the golden cicada cover was finally broken...

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