Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1542: Golden coffin

The expressions of Qiu Qingrong and others suddenly became embarrassed.

The rejuvenating pill is such a kind of pill that can heal the injured body and restore it to its original state. Its preciousness is beyond imagination.

Ji Yining raised her eyebrows and said quickly, "Gu Master Qiu, it is true that it is my father’s practice that has gone crazy and almost ruined the foundation, so I specifically came to ask for pill. I won’t want you in vain, we can offer silver coffins. ."

Fan Zhi frowned, Qiu Qingrong also disapproved.

"Master Ji, do you know that although the silver coffin is precious, it can't be exchanged for a sixth-grade spirit pill?"

"To tell you the truth, we have complex spirit pills in the valley, and they were refined by the previous generation of the valley owner, but there are only three remaining. They are one of our few sixth-rank spirit pills, and you must have inquired about the degree of preciousness." Qiu Qingrong said lightly.

Although Qiu Qingrong said that Baiyao Valley was attached to Xiaoyao Sect, he still had to know that Baiyao Valley was still in charge.

And the top-level spirit pills like the sixth-grade spirit pills could not be sent out casually.

Of course he knew the silver coffin in the Western Region of the Tomb, but in his opinion, he couldn't get a Sixth-Rank Spirit Pill at all.

Ji Yining was anxious again, but he didn't mean to ask Xiao Yu for help.

Because he was able to see Qiu Qingrong, the owner of the Valley of Hundred Medicines, and could talk to him, that was something that many people dream of.

Seeing that Xiao Yu didn’t speak, and didn’t mean to help, Qiu Qingrong said indifferently, "We Hundred Medicine Valley and the Western Regions of your grave are also considered a little friendship. If you can donate the golden coffin, I can exchange it with you for a recovery pill. ."

It's the golden coffin again!

The expressions on the graves of the Western Region all changed.

Is it true? To get this rejuvenating pill, do I have to boil the golden coffin to replace it?

Fan Zhi also spoke up. Of course, because Xiao Yu was present, he was not aggressive, and had an attitude of love or want.

"Master Ji Shaoyu, I had a relationship with my father back then, and Hundred Medicine Valley didn't want to embarrass you. You also know the strength of the silver coffin, based on what happened today..."

Having said this, Fan Zhi couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yu more, his back was a little cold, but still said: "From today's things, do you think the silver coffin is still useful for us?"

Ji Yining certainly understands this truth, but the golden coffin is too expensive for their grave in the Western Regions.

"Brother..." Ji Qingshan was also anxious.

Qiu Qingrong, the alchemy celestial master, seems to have also taken a fancy to this so-called golden coffin, while Xiao Yu has always been curious, what exactly is this so-called coffin?

Hundred Yaogu that was so coveted?

"But..." Ji Yining immediately gritted his teeth and hesitated.

Qiu Qingrong said again: "You should know which one is more important than a human life or a coffin. The soul recovery pill, even if it is my alchemy ability, is not enough to refine it. One is less than one. And, according to my research, Know, the coffin of your grave in the Western Regions, as long as the coffin is there, the contents inside can be found."

Ji Qingshan's face flushed, and said: "But...but the things inside can't be easily found!"

"That's the case. As far as I know, there are three pairs of gold coffins in the Western Regions of your grave, right?" said the tall and thin old man.

"Yes," Ji Yining took a deep breath, but said, "But one of them was damaged and cannot be repaired in one of my dad's battles. The rest is my dad's pair and this pair of mine. ."

"But my dad is in a coma, his golden coffin can't be taken out, and mine..."

"Brother! No way!"

Ji Qingshan's face suddenly changed, and the faces of the other people in the Western Regions also changed drastically.

"Young Patriarch, think twice! Once the golden coffin is sacrificed, then Patriarch's line..." a person from the Western Regions said with a big change.

Ji Yining's eyes hesitated, and at this moment, Xiao Yu's voice sounded.

"and many more."

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