Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1543: Ancient times

At this time, Xiao Yu finally spoke up. Originally, Qiu Qingrong and others thought that the transaction would be successful, but when Xiao Yu made such a move, their hearts suddenly shook. Could it be that Xiao Yu wants to use it strong?

"Little brother Xiao Yu, you..." Fan Zhi's expression changed, as if he thought that Xiao Yu was going to force them to hand over the Sixth Grade Recovery Pill.

But Xiao Yu said indifferently, "Don't worry, I'm not asking you to hand over the Spirit Recovery Pill, but I want to ask clearly, what exactly is this golden coffin?"

"And this involves the Western Regions of your grave?" Xiao Yu's following sentence was looking at Ji Yining.

"Little brother Xiao Yu, don't you know?" Qiu Qingrong was also a little surprised.

The western region of the tomb is very large, and it is also one of several large regions in the sect world.

And, because of the independence of the western region of the grave, it is as famous as the southern cloud region. Of course, that is also a manifestation of self-confidence.

Ji Qingshan looked a little proud, and said: "The so-called coffin is the coffin with the ancient corpse inside. From the perspective of level, there are bronze, silver, and gold coffins from low to high."

"Ancient corpse?"

Xiao Yu's expression moved slightly.

Rhubarb told him that as early as the Thirty-Six Xiaotian World hadn't taken shape, it was a complete continental plate, which was called the Ancient Era thousands of years ago.

At that time, this continental plate was a primitive, barren land, where there were some barbarians and many ancient powerful giants.

Afterwards, it is said that a certain mighty person came to this plate unintentionally, saw a pristine barren area, displayed the power of the mighty person under the compassion heart, and divided the continent into thirty-six small worlds, The bad environment is divided into one, and the good environment is divided into one, that is, separated by the so-called space barrier.

This is to allow different creatures to exist in an environment and multiply better.

This has also led to the fact that some small heavenly worlds have extremely strong plane spiritual power, and it is easy to give birth to geniuses.

And in some places, the environment is harsh, the monsters are horizontal and uneasy, and the character will tend to be fierce and cruel over time, just like the black cliff world.

As a result, with the passage of time, this kind of independent scene of the thirty-six small worlds has gradually formed.

"You mean, the corpses of those prehistoric giant beasts from ancient times are actually in the Western Region of your grave?" Xiao Yu was dumbfounded.


Ji Yining nodded and said, "Because the mighty person at the time divided the thirty-six small sky world into thirty-six pieces, but at that time it was split randomly. Because the power was too great, he killed After some giant beasts, the corpses gradually sank to the ground, and then divided into our plane."

"You mean, your grave in the Western Region is just above those corpses?"

Ji Yining narrowed his eyes, and said: "Strictly speaking, our graves in the Western Regions are descendants of barbarians in ancient times. This is why our family can control the corpses of these giant beasts."

It turned out that the so-called barbarians in the ancient times were not really barbarians. They also had powerful abilities, but they were not as subdivided as they are now, because they had to fight against the behemoths for a long time, and then there was a cry Powerful skills.

Their descendants, the family of Ji Yining, Tomb Western Region, also possessed this ability to control the corpse of that giant beast.

"In fact, to put it plainly, there is a powerful ancient monster beast in each coffin, and our Ji family can control them. This is the foundation of our grave Western Region." Ji Yining said with some expression in his eyes.

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