Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1544: Ancient Corpse

The land of the ancient times, although strictly speaking, it is also a low plane, but it can separate the world of Zongmen, such a land of outstanding people and complex terrain. It can be said that the world of Zongmen has gathered many complex abilities and gave birth to Practitioners of different abilities.

It is like the center of the hinterland of the sect world, dominated by seven sects, and the other second and third sects present a state of radiation, which is the concentration of heaven and earth spiritual power on the center.

But even more remote places are completely different.

Just like the southern cloud region in the southeast, because of its special topography and special "spiritual power", the southern cloud region is a spiritual method that can control a kind of heaven and earth attributes.

This makes the Southern Cloud Region a unique existence, even the Seven Sects will not easily set foot, and will not easily provoke them.

It's like a grave in the Western Regions.

The western part of the tomb is in the extreme west. The terrain here is also complicated and harsh. Everyone has an atmosphere of indifference and indifference. Ji Qingshan and the others showed it well.

And the western part of the grave is famous throughout the sect world, and it also allows them to stand on the sect world for hundreds of years, and that is their coffin.

The mystery and low-key of the Tomb Western Region also made many forces afraid to provoke them, but no one who knew the Tomb Western Region was not afraid of it.

Legend has it that this ability to summon the corpses in the coffin is unique to the Western Regions.

The ancient corpse in the silver coffin, once activated, would be more combative than in the three-day state.

And the corpse in the golden coffin is activated, so the combat power has exceeded the three-day realm. This is the pride of the western region of the grave.

Xiao Yu suddenly realized that he now understood why Ji Yining would cherish these golden coffins so much.

There were only two golden coffins left in the Western Regions of their grave. Ji Yining was the young master, and definitely had to have one. If he didn’t have this golden coffin, his status in the family would definitely be affected. Affected.

"Huh? No, I remember they said..."

Xiao Yu recalled the day when he heard the conversation between Ji Yining and Ji Qingshan under the luxuriant branches of the sky tree.

"What do they say is that the corpse is preserved, and if the news spreads out, it will bring disaster to the Western Regions of their graves. Is it the corpse that Ji Yining kept?" Xiao Yu imagined this in his heart.

At this moment, Ji Yining gritted his teeth and said: "No, this corpse is of great importance, and I cannot give it to you."

Baiyaogu's face turned ugly for an instant.

You said that Ji Yining, who came to ask for pill, also asked for so much. Isn't the life now less than a coffin?

"That would be a pity." Qiu Qingrong shook his head slightly.

"You also know that all of us in Hundred Medicine Valley are alchemists, and we don’t have the power to bind chickens. We want to get the golden coffin and we also want to have a little self-preservation. Since the master of Ji Shaoyu can’t do it, neither do we It will be hard for others." After Qiu Qingrong said, he couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yu.

To be honest, he was really afraid that Xiao Yu was upset with this decision.

But he also believed that Xiao Yu was a man who made sense.

After all, if Hundred Medicine Valley was attached to Xiaoyao Gate, then the Sixth Stage Spirit Pill would be like a treasure.

Since it is a baby, how can it be given out casually?

Ji Qingshan and the people in the Western Regions were in a hurry. Ji Yining also took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice, "In this case, we won't bother you."

"Brother Xiao, thank you, I will remember this love." Ji Yining said, and left when he was about to turn around, but Xiao Yu stopped him again.

"Brother Ji, don't go first. Why don't I make a suggestion, okay?"

Everyone looked at Xiao Yu in unison, but Xiao Yu's next words changed Ji Yining's expression greatly, and Qiu Qingrong and others were also dumbfounded.


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