Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1551: Tame the Ancient Corpse

No one here has seen the coffins of the legendary Tomb Western Region, just because the Tomb Western Region is geographically biased, mysterious, and indisputable, so few people have ever contacted them.

In addition, those who can own coffins, even bronze, are highly respected people in the Western Regions of the Tomb, not to mention the so-called silver coffins, golden coffins.

An entourage of the Western Region of the Tomb had a solemn expression: "Elder Fan did not know that this ancient corpse was excavated in the Western Region of our Tomb for thousands of years, and after comparing it with ancient books, it was determined that it was the strongest in the ancient times. One of the powerful ancient monsters."

"One of the most powerful?" The elders took a breath again.

The ancient times are nearly ten thousand years away from today. Basically, few people know about this era. Even Qiu Qingrong and others have only heard what the previous generation of valley owners said.

And it wasn't until Ji Yining gave a detailed explanation yesterday that they knew that there was such a change in the original 36 Little Heaven World.

"If it weren't for that mighty one who split the ancient continent, the impact caused severely injured the ancient giant beasts, and finally buried them under the ground. With the strength of the current Zongmen world, it would be insufficient To withstand the blow of the ancient giant beast." A tall and strong man in the Western Region of Tomb said in a deep voice.

Qiu Qingrong looked at each other and saw the shock in their eyes.

The Zongmen World plane can't stop the attack of the ancient giant beast in its peak period? What is this concept?

Isn't that the ability to destroy the world?

Qiu Qingrong's state of mind was still calm. He took a deep breath and said, "I heard that the ancient continent was once one of the higher planes. It was only because it was too chaotic that the mighty made the move. As for the higher planes, our lower level. Noodles are nothing at all."

The elders nodded secretly, the so-called so-called outsiders, there are heaven outside.

In the world they don't know, there is a higher existence. This is why ordinary people continue to improve their strength throughout their lives and pursue the supreme path.

In a short while, Xiao Yu came over.

Xiao Yu's mental state today is extremely good. His soul power is like the vast ocean, in a trickling state, containing pure and incomparable soul fluctuations.

The expressions of Qiu Qingrong and others moved once again.

He was able to restore the power of the soul to such a state overnight, how did he do it?

The few of them cast a layer of mystery over Xiao Yu's soul talent.

"Xiao Yu, are you really sure?" Ji Yining asked solemnly again.

"Yeah." Xiao Yu nodded slightly.

"In that case, I will summon the coffin later, and if you can't support it, you have to withdraw with all your strength. Then I beg to ask the Lord Qiu and the elders to help me to take back this evil animal." Ji Yining It has never been so solemn, just because he really knows how terrifying this ancient corpse is.

"This is natural." Qiu Qingrong nodded and replied.

But it was muttering in my heart--

"Even our previous generation of Valley Master tried to contact, and it was all in smoke. How can we save it?"

Although they don't have any trouble, if there is an accident at that time, I am afraid that the first time they want to stay out.

"Okay, Brother Ji, let's start." Xiao Yu said.

Ji Yining nodded and took a deep breath, only to see that he was kneeling on the ground with one leg and one hand gently on the ground...

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