Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1552: Ancient creatures

Ji Yining is an array mage. The difference between an array mage, an alchemist, and a refiner is that when an array mage casts an array, the power of the soul will surge out and cover a whole area, just because there is only coverage, Can urge the formation.

The tall and thin elder Qiu Qingrong nodded slightly and said: "This Ji Yining is worthy of being one of the few genius mages in the Zong Sect world. His soul talent should have reached the level of the fourth rank of heaven."

"Heavenly Tier 4, this kind of soul talent can already be emphatically cultivated in our valley, and it seems to be even stronger than Zhong Xiajie to the first order."

"It's a pity. Because of the uniqueness of the Tomb Western Region, Ji Yining can only explore on his own, without the assistance of a powerful formation mage. Otherwise, how could his formation cultivation base have such strength?"

Fan Zhi moved in his heart and said, "Since he is also a soul cultivator, why not let him join our Hundred Medicine Valley? After all, such a good seed is not easy to find."

Qiu Qingrong seemed to be moved too.

In the sect world, those whose soul talent can reach the third rank or higher of the heavenly rank are already super cultivation geniuses.

However, almost all of these geniuses are in the hands of the Purple Spirit Sect, and they have all gone to practice.

Few people really choose the secondary profession of alchemy and refining.

After all, judging from the fact that the world of Nine Heavens respects martial arts, everyone wants to have a strong strength and be respected. The so-called status and reputation are simply not enough to compare with strength.

And the formation, alchemy, and refining all use the soul at the same time, which can be said to be interoperable.

"Let's plan after this matter." Qiu Qingrong put his hands on his back and his eyes fell to the front.

At this moment, the half-kneeling Ji Yining's body suddenly filled with a cold, decayed breath. This breath made people feel as if they were in a tomb, gloomy and cold, and the entire air temperature. It dropped a lot in an instant.


At this moment, the ground a few meters in front of Ji Yining suddenly agitated.

Strictly speaking, it should be a vibration. The whole ground trembled slightly. After a while, only a loud noise was heard, and a black and gold coffin rose up!

As soon as the coffin broke out of the ground, it immediately stood upside down and stood on the ground. An ancient, as if from an ancient place, suddenly enveloped a radius of 800 meters.

The expressions of Qiu Qingrong and others changed drastically, and a sudden change in their hearts.

The whole body of the coffin is in the color of black and gold. On the decayed golden wooden coffin, it can be seen that there is a certain age, like an old tree bark, and the messy and disorderly black lines seem to be carved up.

The overall look is full of solemnity, majesty, and depth.

The entire coffin was ten meters long, five meters wide, and three meters thick, like a huge meteorite monument falling from the sky. When everyone saw it, there was a kind of soul oppressed, even holding their breath.

"This...this is the golden coffin!"

The so-called seeing is better than hearing, just such a coffin is already awe-inspiring. What if it is the contents?

They simply can't imagine.

Qiu Qingrong looked directly at the coffin, took a deep breath, and said, "There is a powerful hidden life force inside."

Fan Zhi and others also nodded slightly, their expressions very solemn.

The so-called hidden vitality is not a real human-like aura, but this vitality is sealed and falls asleep, which requires the so-called activation and tame.

Xiao Yu's heart was also a little throbbing, and Xiaolong was also approaching an enemy, reminding Xiao Yu that the things inside were not simple.

Ji Yining looked at Xiao Yu again. This time, his eyes became a little jealous, and said, "Xiao Yu, I have tried to tame it several times, and I almost hurt my soul twice. What I have to tell you is Once you start to choose to contact the creatures in it, you can only tame it, otherwise once you activate it without tame, then the consequences will be disastrous."

"I see." Xiao Yu nodded, and immediately walked to ten meters in front of the coffin.

Ji Yining didn't say any more, the venue became silent for a while, and suddenly, Ji Yining's hands were suitable, and he screamed--



There was a loud noise, and the door of the coffin suddenly fell down. Then, a loud roar sounded in the entire valley...

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