Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1553: Chief Bull Head! (on)

In a short while, a behemoth, a body as high as ten meters, stepped out.


Seeing this scene, Qiu Qingrong and the others shrank their pupils, and couldn't help but back up a few steps. Everyone fell silent, as if suffocated.

Xiao Yu's eyes were also dazzling, he finally saw the so-called ancient corpse in this so-called golden coffin.

This ten-meter-long look, the limbs are extremely developed, and the bronzed skin is like cast iron watering. Each muscle contains explosive power, which makes people afraid to underestimate it.

The most weird thing is that this body has the same proportions as humans, but the only incredible thing is that there is a bull's head on top of this body!

On the rotating black-brown double horns, there is an ancient pattern, and a heavy breath emerges spontaneously.

Take a closer look, there is a steel ring on this bull nose, and the copper bell-like eyes are filled with a dark red color.

This tauren was wearing broken animal skins with half of his body exposed, and his lower body was also wrapped in animal skins, in a primitive and ancient posture.

And everyone noticed that the tauren was still holding a silver-black sledge hammer.

This sledge hammer looked very old, but a closer look revealed that there was a kind of electric snake scoffing and flickering, which made no one doubt the power of this hammer.

The appearance of the tauren immediately made everyone present feel a feeling of heavy strength and suffocation.

Especially on it, the death, cruel, and cruel breath made people feel numb at the first glance.

"This is the ancient continent, the leader of the ten directions, Chief Bull Head!" A man from the Western Regions couldn't help taking a deep breath, his face pale.

Legend has it that this chief bull head is a combination of half human and half beast. It is a combination of primitive giants and a kind of "wild bull". He has a human mind and at the same time possesses the terrifying power of the wild bull.

According to legend, this chief bull head ruled all directions and led the ancient monsters and beasts to fight humans for many years. However, because of the powerful man’s sky-reaching methods, he was severely injured and almost killed, and was permanently sealed under the continental plate. It took hundreds of thousands of years to find this corpse in the western part of the grave.

The strength of Chief Bull Head is certainly less than one-tenth of what he had before his death, and even his consciousness is in a hazy and chaotic state.

It is precisely because of this that once the ancient corpse cannot be tamed, it will arouse its ferocity.

As soon as the tauren appeared, Ji Yining retreated tens of meters and looked at the tauren ahead.

Xiao Yu was also facing a big enemy, everyone couldn't help but watch this scene.

As soon as Chief Bull Head appeared, his aura was indeed too terrifying, even Ji Yining had already summoned several times, and every time he saw it, his whole body became vigilant.

"Xiao Yu, this is Chief Bull Head, the leader of the ten directions of the ancient continent. It lost 90% of its cultivation base, but it is not so easy to tame it. If you are ready, I will let go of the induction. At that time it will only attack you alone. All you have to do is to invade its consciousness with the power of the soul and control it, but you must be careful.” Ji Yining exhorted.

Xiao Yu is his friend, and Chief Bullhead is not a joke, whether it is to help him or for Xiao Yu himself.

Xiao Yu's eyes began to become solemn, and even Xiaolong became vigilant, let alone Xiao Yu?

"come on."

Ji Yining took a deep breath, and finally let go of his mind. Just here, in the blood-red eyes of the Bullhead Chief, there was a sudden flash of fine light.


And this time the roar was louder than the one when the coffin was opened just now. The ground was shaking and the mountains were shaking, and everyone was unsteady. Xiao Yu's face moved slightly. This was the power of Xiangu's corpse!

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