Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1554: Chief Bull Head! (under)

The tauren's eyes flashed infinitely, a fierce to the extreme aura was like a volcanic eruption, and it instantly enveloped an area of ​​800 meters.

Such a momentum is definitely the only thing Xiao Yu has seen in his life.

You know, with his current abilities, he can arouse the aura of heaven and earth, and he can cover a radius of three hundred meters. Even if he fights against the strong of the earth spirit realm, the energy fluctuations produced can only spread to 500 meters. Xiao Yu had already withdrawn his ultimate strength.

But look at the Bull Head Chieftain, just a single coercion, has enveloped 800 meters, how terrifying is this?

Even Qiu Qingrong, the alchemy celestial master, his face changed drastically.

"This... such oppression and might, no wonder the previous generation of Valley Master can't tame it!" Qiu Qingrong couldn't help swallowing his throat.

Not to mention the previous generation of Hundred Medicine Valley Master, Qiu Qingrong alone, he thought that if he came to tame, he would definitely be wiped out.

When it was said that it was too late, Chief Bull Head finally moved, and saw it wave a powerful arm, and the silver-black sledgehammer smashed towards Xiao Yu like a meteorite.

The hammer was like a meteor rushing to the moon, suddenly magnified in Xiao Yu's eyes, and the speed was almost between the electric light and flint.

Xiao Yu immediately moved laterally to the side. With a "boom", the sledge hammer hit the ground, and in an instant, a pit measuring tens of meters was created.

Xiao Yu's heart suddenly jumped, and Qiu Qingrong's pupils shrank. What kind of power was this?

Just a broken hammer, actually smashed such a power? Is this the power of Xiangu Corpse?

"This wicked animal..." Xiao Yu took a breath and couldn't help but move.

This is an ancient corpse that has lost 90% of its strength!


Chief Bull Head roared, the giant fist crashed and Xiao Yu's face changed slightly.

I thought that such a huge figure would have a slower reaction, but who knows this attack speed is like only Xiao Yu's life.

The huge fist magnified infinitely in Xiao Yu's eyes, and Xiao Yu sensed the infinite oppression. The posture of suppression by the mountains made Xiao Yu unable to escape.

Since there is no escape, there is only battle!

With a move of Xiao Yu's thoughts, the power of the purple Lin on the bone of his right hand suddenly jumped out, and the extremely domineering purple light suddenly flashed out.

Zilin Fist!

With a loud roar in Xiao Yu's heart, the illusory purple unicorn jumped out and turned into a huge boxing shadow to greet him in the air.


Xiao Yu’s Zilin Fist contained incomparably domineering and desolate aura. After confronting each other, something unexpected happened. With a loud bang, the pure physical power of the Bull Head Chieftain made Xiao a punch. All of the three hundred meters in the radius of Yu sank three feet deep! A circle was formed, and Xiao Yu was in the middle of the sunken circle.

Xiao Yu's arm tingled numbly, and the shocking momentum made everyone around him dumbfounded.

Fan Zhi and the others were all dumbfounded. Of course they could feel that Xiao Yu's punch just now was already comparable to the power of the peak of the Earth's Spirit Realm!

But look at this chief bull head, this is simply a monster!

At the same time, they now know why Ji Yining said to prepare such a large area. If there is no such large area, wouldn't the entire valley be destroyed?

Xiao Yu was also astonished in his heart. The power of this bull-head chief was too terrifying. He originally had a cultivating flesh body. If he were at the peak of his spiritual realm, he might have already become a meatloaf!

"It's good to come, let me see how capable you are!" The fighting spirit in Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly jumped.

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