Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1558: Shura with one hand, Buddha statue with one hand

Everyone's complexion changed drastically in an instant.

The legend of Xiao Yu only started from the place where the seven sects were evaluated.

At that time, Xiao Yu's shock to them was to use one person's strength to resist the Triple Xiaoyao Palace, and even the Heavenly Punishment could be confronted, and then his reputation sounded.

In the future, Xiao Yu's physical strength is strong, as well as the super talent for leapfrog fighting, together with his comprehension of Xiaoyao Fu, the profound knowledge of swordsmanship, and the perverted talent for comprehension of formations. Familiar.

However, no one had heard of that Xiao Yu turned out to be an awakener of God Run!

"No! Some of my disciples who failed in the assessment of the Seven Sects said that Xiao Yu had used God Marks during the assessment!" Fan Zhi suddenly thought of something and said.

Yes, in fact, Xiao Yu had already mobilized the power of the Asura **** pattern during the seven sect assessment. And when finally fighting against the sky thunder, Xiao Yu urged the power of the killing realm, and then let his Asura bloodline and the power of the gods have been hidden to the present point.

Since then, Xiao Yu's terrifying talent has been praised by people.

It's just that the killing realm is an ability in the blood of Shura, not strictly speaking the power of the gods.

In addition, among the seven sects, there are many people with **** marks, but in the world of sects, there is a phenomenon that makes Xiao Yu feel very strange.

Even though the status of the **** pattern seemed to be weakened, he encountered very few **** pattern awakeners, and certainly not without them. Just like the Clear Sky School, many disciples had awakened weapon **** patterns.

According to Xiao Yu's guess, the reason for this situation is very likely that among the strong, the **** pattern is only an increase in talent and an additional powerful force to support, but it is not everything.

It is like having an array mage in a battle group, which can spur a powerful array.

It's like swordsmanship, swordsmanship, and so on.

But it is undeniable that those who can awaken the **** pattern are those who are favored by the gods.

Moreover, Xiao Yu also heard from Rhubarb that although the sect world does not pay attention to the enlightenment and development of the gods, if you go to the higher planes, the types of gods that appear are also powerful, which is almost thirty-six. The little world will never appear.

The power of those **** patterns can almost destroy the world.

Therefore, Xiao Yu has never left behind his own **** marks.

He not only regarded his **** pattern as a manifestation of his talent, but also a key element of his identity and background. Of course, it was also part of Xiao Yu's strength.

You know, Xiao Yu has not yet been able to figure out the strength of the Asura Divine Pattern, and even the phantom that appears in the Nine Heavens Divine Pattern with three heads and six arms is not recorded.

But this time, because Shura's bloodline had been hidden for a long time, and because of the transitional urging of the killing realm, Xiao Yu once again used the long-lost power of the **** pattern.

"What kind of **** pattern is this?"

Everyone saw Xiao Yu floating behind him with a three-headed, six-armed, three-faced blue-black face, with his hands resting on the sun and the moon, his feet standing on the sea, the larger the body, the mountain pattern, all they took a deep breath.

"Sacrifice to the gods! Is Xiao Yu trying his best?" Qiu Qingrong said moved.

The blood-colored Shura's power was condensed on his left arm. At the same time, Xiao Yu's mind was urging, and the purple-black power was also wrapped around his right arm.

This purple-black power, darkness, and destruction are simply what they have seen in their lives!

"What kind of power is this!?"

This is the power of the Buddha!

The power of Shura with one hand, the power of Buddha with one hand!

"Come on!" Xiao Yu roared, his hands suddenly greeted him.

Everyone's pupils shrank: "What is he going to do? Is he going to resist this giant hammer?"

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