Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1559: Power vision

The aura of these two energies revealed from Xiao Yu shocked the expressions of Ji Yining, Qiu Qingrong and others.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a terrifying power in this child!" Fan Zhi took a deep breath, once again shocked by Xiao Yu's background.

Most cultivators can hardly take into account the compatibility between ordinary cultivation techniques and physical techniques, because the flesh itself is a branch of cultivation.

And this young man's body is so strong that he can resist the terrifying blow of the bull chieftain, which is enough to make his peers and even many experts in the Heavenly Spirit Realm moved.

At the same time, Xiao Yu’s divine pattern ability was the only thing they had seen in their lives. With the purple-black power, at first glance, it was filled with a dark aura that had never appeared before, which made them suspect Xiao. The terrible part of Yu's identity background.

A person can hold so many powerful cards at the same time. Doesn't this indicate a kind of powerful talent foundation?

And how did they know that Xiao Yu had a lot of hole cards, but he wouldn't use them casually.

It's like the Buddha Seal, helping him a lot during the Chenbei Dynasty.

The same Buddha Pagoda is also a very mysterious power. So far, Xiao Yu has only penetrated the entire two underground levels of the Pagoda.

Xiao Yu has blood red in one hand and purple and black in the other. The strange aura of soaring into the sky filled the entire valley. The sky seemed to be black clouds pressing down on the city, and the clouds were densely covered. It seemed that the simultaneous appearance of these two powers of Xiao Yu produced a vision of heaven and earth. .

The complexions of all the people present changed greatly.

"Heaven and earth have all appeared, is this a sign?" Qiu Qingrong raised her head and couldn't help muttering to herself.

This child is definitely not an ordinary person who can attract such a vision of heaven and earth with his own aura.

In Ji Yining's place, when he saw Xiao Yu spurring such terrifying power in spite of his life, he felt like a stormy sea in his heart, unable to calm down for a long time.

He thought he was high enough to look at Xiao Yu, but he didn't expect that time and time again was not enough to describe the horror in his heart at this time.

The crowd was intently watching the scene in the distance with bated breath.

Obviously, Xiao Yu seems to be going to pick up the sledgehammer attack of this Chief Bullhead with his bare hands!

And this giant hammer attack, everyone agreed that if it hits the ground with a radius of one thousand meters, it will definitely become ruins. This is the feeling that Chief Bull Head gave them.

That kind of supreme ancient power is not so easy to pit.

Can Xiao Yu succeed?

It was too late and then soon, the giant hammer fell like Mount Tai, hitting it with the momentum of breaking the mountain and breaking the rock.


There was a loud and earth-shattering noise, and the entire Hundred Medicine Valley was shaking and shaking. This time, everyone just felt that they were almost about to jump up, and they almost felt unsteady.

The astonishing invisible pressure and the turbulent waves oscillated in all directions in a sweeping posture, and a large area flew all over, covering the central area.

Knowing that the dust dissipated, everyone's pupils shrank suddenly.

Xiao Yu's blood-red and purple-black arms were only holding the sledgehammer.

The entire sledgehammer was almost as big as Xiao Yu's body. Looking at the area of ​​500 meters in radius, it had all turned into powder, leaving a sinkhole of 800 meters in radius and 5 meters in depth.

This scene really shocked everyone.

"He actually caught it!" Tomb Xiyu suddenly exclaimed.

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