Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1564: About life experience

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Yu suddenly changed. He quickly asked, "Senior Bloodhoof, what do you mean by this? Do you know my family?"

The power of Shura itself is extraordinary, and coupled with the weird Shura **** pattern, Xiao Yu knew that his birth would not be easy.

And now, someone can tell that the power of Shura in his body is the first person besides rhubarb!

How could he not be moved?

After all, he didn't know his biological parents, and the most important reason why he worked hard in cultivation was to find his own life experience.

Who knows, Bloodhoof groaned for a while, and said, "To be honest, I don't know."

"Senior, why don't you know?" Xiao Yu seemed anxious.

"I came out to experience when I was young, and I have been out of the family for a long time. The reason why I can sense it is because your Asura clan has contact with our Tianhuang Divine Cow clan. I just have some familiar inductions in my memory, but it is something that happened thousands of years ago In addition, I slept for thousands of years, my soul was damaged, many memories have been lost, and now it is just a remnant soul." Bloodhoof said in a deep voice.

Xiao Yu held his breath for an instant.

This is the first time he has heard the most things about his life experience since he awakened.

Xiao Yu's eyes were slightly disappointed.

He had already guessed that his biological parents must be of a higher plane, and he didn't expect to have a relationship with this so-called Tianhuang God Niu clan.

"What about Rhubarb? What kind of race is Rhubarb in the Monster Beast World?" Xiao Yu was even more curious.

Bloodhoof swayed, and its thoughts gleamed with astonishing light, and said: "Boy, I don’t know what your relationship is with my clan, and I don’t know how you have my clan’s cultivation techniques, but My celestial sacred cows admire strength and respect martial arts. You have already conquered me."

"I already have a remnant soul, and my soul consciousness is weak. If it weren't for your power to stimulate, I wouldn't wake up, but if you want me to be your servant, you must control remnant soul..."

"Junior...While...I still have a trace of...mind, let me... do... for you..."

After speaking, the light in the chaos became more faint, as if to be submerged by the surrounding hazy air.

Xiao Yu was shocked. It was obvious that the remnant soul of the bloodhoof was about to be swallowed by this chaotic energy, and the bloodhoof would return to its ferocious, primitive, and brutal state.

Although there was a big psychological fluctuation in his heart because of the words of Bloodhoof just now, after all, it was related to the higher planes and his life experience.

But the most urgent task now is to tame the bull chief for his own use.

Under the urge of Xiao Yu, the branches of Tianmu were in full bloom, and immediately enveloped Bloodhoof's entire mind.


On the other side, Xiao Yu was holding the sledgehammer with both hands, and Chief Bullhead remained motionless, stalemate with Xiao Yu.

Everyone watched this scene quietly, no one dared to interfere.

"Why for so long? Couldn't even Xiao Yu's soul control this ancient corpse?" Fan Zhi and others said worriedly.

If it can't be tamed, once the Chief Tauren runs away, then their Hundred Medicine Valley will definitely be in danger.

Obviously, this situation cannot be disturbed anyway.

Qiu Qingrong's eyes were uncertain, and solemnly said: "The branches under the ground are of extraordinary origin. They seem to be the power of the soul, and they are like some kind of mysterious power. If even Xiao Yu can't invade, we won't have a way."

"Brother, he... will something happen?" Ji Qingshan was also worried.

Ji Yining shook his head, but his heart also became tense.

If Xiao Yu is unsuccessful, his life will be in danger, and once Chief Bullhead spreads out, then they will also be in danger in the Western Regions.

But once Chief Bullhead runs away, Hundred Medicine Valley will be the first to bear the brunt, and no one can stop it here.

Among those present, only Xiao Yu had such courage and strength.

Just at this moment, a monstrous qi of the ancients turned into a strong and extreme qi and blood rose into the sky.


With Xiao Yu and Chief Niutou as the center, the area within a kilometer radius turned into a **** aura soaring through the sky.

All the disciples of Baiyao Valley had already shuddered by the shock of the back mountain, and at this moment, everyone looked up at the sky, a feeling of suffocation enveloped the entire Baiyao Valley...

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