Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1565: Successfully tamed

Chief Bull Head was tamed by Xiao Yu, and the Chief Bull Head, who was unruly and could destroy the entire Hundred Medicine Valley, was actually tamed by Xiao Yu.

Everyone is shaken by it.

Above the side hall of Hundred Medicine Valley, everyone looked at Xiao Yu like ghosts and gods, especially the people in Hundred Medicine Valley, completely changed their views on Xiao Yu.

The careful thoughts in the hearts of several elders also disappeared.

You know, this young man has tamed Chief Tauren now!

If he didn't like it and let the monster out, wouldn't their Hundred Medicine Valley kill countless people and be razed to the ground?

At that time, the prestige of Baiyao Valley for thousands of years will be wiped out, so what would they dare to think carefully?

On the other hand, for this young boy's ability to guard against the sky, even a leader of the ten directions in the ancient era can be tame. In addition to shocking, they are more unbelievable, even convincing.

What even their previous generation of Valley Master couldn't do was actually accomplished by such a young man who only had a spiritual realm. Doesn't this indicate a kind of ability of this young man?

At the same time, there was an idea secretly in their hearts, and they began to think that perhaps Xiaoyaomen might be the right choice.

On the other side, the Western Region of the Tomb had never thought that Xiao Yu would be able to tame Chief Bull Head. There was no secret method to assist him!

But he really did it!

Ji Yining's heart is complicated, but it is more of a kind of excitement.

According to his expectation, Xiao Yu really did it. This young man who kept creating surprises actually did it.

For some reason, for Ji Qingshan's arrival, Xiao Yu grew tall in her heart, becoming mysterious and unpredictable.

Of course, there is of course a problem now, that is, Chief Bullhead has been temporarily tamed by Xiao Yu, so he must prevent things from being known by other "wishful people".

Ji Yining took a step and said solemnly: "Xiao Yu, Chief Bull Head has been tamed by you. This is a good thing, but when you use it, you must not be too public."

Xiao Yu was in a good mood for taming Bloodhoof, of course there were other things to consider now.

He looked at Ji Yining and said solemnly: "Brother Ji, you have been worried that Chief Bullhead will be released for you to find a murderous disaster for the Western Regions. In fact, what is this? You should tell me and let me better help you. ."

Because everyone’s attention was focused on the power of Chief Bull Head, I’m afraid I had overlooked what Ji Yining was worried about, but Xiao Yu did not.

Ji Yining was afraid that Xiao Yu would not be able to tame the bloodhoof, so that the bloodhoof would run away, so that Xiao Yu would be killed. Then they grave Xiyu also affected the status of their family because their Young Domain Master did not have the golden coffin. .

Now that Chief Bull Head has been tamed, Ji Yining does not need to be afraid that Chief Bull Head will be sealed forever, because after Xiao Yu's strength breaks through the three-day realm, he will return it.

But Xiao Yu obviously still found that what Ji Yining was worried about seemed not so simple.

Because according to the news heard in the room at that time, the corpse of the Bull Head Chieftain may be a disaster for their grave in the Western Region.

But Ji Yining resolutely shook his head and said: "Xiao Yu, I appreciate your kindness, but as long as the golden coffin of Chief Bullhead does not appear in the western region of the grave, our grave western region will not be in danger for the time being. You can rest assured. , Don’t have a psychological burden."

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