Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1566: Take out the Fu Ling Pill

Xiao Yu seemed to relax a lot after hearing this.

He could see that Chief Bull Head seemed to be very important to Ji Yining and their graves in the Western Regions.

Although he tamed the bloodhoof, he didn't want to possess it.

Ji Yining sincerely took out this golden coffin. It was already treating him as a friend. How could Xiao Yu cross the river and tear down the bridge and treachery?

"Really?" Xiao Yu didn't seem to believe it, and asked one more time.

Ji Yining's heart was suddenly moved. Xiao Yu asked questions like this, which proved that he truly regarded himself as a friend, and even put his heart to his heart.

Because he felt the sincerity in Xiao Yu's heart.

Otherwise, Xiao Yu could leave now, and even Chief Bullhead would not return it at all, and they would not be able to help Xiao Yu at all.

But Xiao Yu didn't. Instead, he asked again to show his concern.

Ji Yining smiled and said, "Of course it is true. I'm afraid you won't change me."

Xiao Yu smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I will pass the control method to you by then."

Tomb Xiyu and his party are all overjoyed.

None of their secret methods can control Chief Bull Head, but Xiao Yu can, enough to show that Xiao Yu definitely has his own secret methods.

Usually, what kind of secret method is impossible to spread out.

Yesterday they were still worried. Xiao Yu said that he would return this, whether it was true or false.

It seems that this young man can't afford to compete with their graves in the Western Regions!

After all, if you really wait until this young man breaks through the three-day realm, then he will be the future Sect Master of Xiaoyaomen. With this kind of tolerance, how can you still covet the golden coffin?

It's just that the Tomb Western Region's own strength is not enough to compare with the Seven Sects, and there are many potential dangers, the golden coffin is a kind of love and hate for them.

Now that Xiao Yu has been tamed by other secret methods, and can be returned intact, then they are naturally too happy to have time.

Xiao Yu certainly knew why they were so excited. After all, the so-called secret method was a secret method, how could it be spread casually.

"I'm afraid if you knew that my skywood branches had completely invaded the mind of Bloodhoof, you wouldn't think like this."

The branches of Tianmu are infinitely spreading, and they are also inexhaustible.

It's like the branches of the sky trees underground in Baiyao Valley. Strictly speaking, they are like broken branches. They only exist with a little consciousness of Xiao Yu. The simpler thing is that they are already independent and only need a little soul consciousness to connect. Controlled, even a soul cultivator who is just getting started can still control it.

In the same way, even if the blood hoof is returned at that time, Xiao Yu believes that even if the mysterious and strangeness of the Tianmu Divine Formation is known to Ji Yining and the others, they will not be able to detect any point of the Tianmu branches. thing.

Because the Tianmu Seed and the entire Tianmu God Formation were in Xiao Yu's mind, this was the root of this magical thing.

Seeing Xiao Yu and Ji Yining greeting each other here, Qiu Qingrong and the others were really anxious to death.


Because this golden coffin was temporarily given to Xiao Yu, it meant that they were going to take out a rejuvenating pill to the Tomb Western Region!

But what can they get from Baiyao Valley?

Qiu Qingrong winked at Fan Zhi, who flushed and took a step.

After all, it was really embarrassing for him to say something like this.

"Little brother Xiao Yu, that..." Fan Zhi said hesitantly.

Xiao Yu glanced at it and said, "Your affairs will be discussed later, please ask Gu Master Qiu to take out the Spirit Recovery Pill to alleviate the urgent needs of the Western Regions."

Qiu Qingrong looked embarrassed, but Xiao Yu had already spoken!

The tall and thin elder finally couldn't help but speak: "Little brother Xiao Yu, we can take out the rejuvenating pill, but our Hundred Medicine Valley is not the one who opened the shantang. Every pill here, especially the fifth grade, Even the Sixth-Rank Spirit Pills are the treasures of our town. You know, the Sixth-Rank Spirit Pills can already replace high-grade spirit implements and even local supernatural powers."

"I said, in time, I will not treat you badly, don't you believe me?" Xiao Yu glanced at them with a wink.

Everyone only felt that the scalp was numb and the back was cold...

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