Shura God Emperor

Chapter 159: Brutal teenager

The Qingyi youth on the other side showed a frightened expression.

"Boy, you are dead! Do not dare to move the royal family!" Liao Hu was furious.

"I'm dead? Don't forget where this is? This is the Forest of Boxing Tablets. Even if I kill you, no one will blame me!" Xiao Yu said coldly.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu stared at the Qingyi youth with cold eyes, and said, "It's you."

Saying that it was too late and it was fast, Xiao Yu swept up again.

"Stop! Xiao Yu, if you hurt him, I will never end with you!" Liao Hu flew four long-billed tiger crocodiles and roared at Xiao Yu.

But the four long-mouthed tiger crocodiles were tangled up again.

It was too late again. Xiao Yu caught the young man's collar and threw it out. The same fate, the Qingyi young man was swallowed by the long-mouthed tiger crocodile that suddenly jumped out.

Liao Hu was angry, his face turned out to be a burning red.


"Boom boom boom boom!"

Liao Hu's power exploded in an instant, four punches were thrown out, and the four long mouths and jaws were shot up.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Liao Hu was furious, and directly culled at Xiao Yu.

The anger on his body was extremely high, and his astonishing energy and blood power contained a wild and beast aura that killed him.


He blasted out with a punch, and the wild power contained the vigor of the tiger, and the air was immediately detonated, directly blasting Xiao Yu.

"Good job!"

Xiao Yu let out a long roar, and the same fist blasted up.

The same powerful qi and blood burst out like a tide.

The two fists touched each other, and the soles of Xiao Yu's feet seemed to take root, but Liao Hu was knocked into the air for more than ten meters, and his arms were all numb.

"This kid..." Liao Hu was extremely horrified.

His body-building exercises are considered high among the royal family's children, and he is two levels higher than the opponent!

Instinct told him that this kid is simply a freak! He can't resist!

Who knows, at this moment, as if smelling the **** smell of the corpses of their companions, suddenly a dozen long-mouthed tiger crocodiles rushed up directly and pounced on the four corpses.

Liao Hu's heart moved and sneered, and then directly carried the corpse of the long-billed tiger crocodile and threw it in Xiao Yu's direction.

"Boy, just wait to die! Hahahaha!"

The dozen or so long-mouthed tiger crocodiles suddenly saw the target, and swarmed at Xiao Yu.

Each long-mouthed tiger crocodile is very large, even one head is enough to crush a person.

Therefore, more than a dozen long-mouthed tiger crocodiles, with hideous faces, fell down as if they were so excited to see their prey.

Xiao Yu stubbornly said, "You white-eyed wolves, who fed your full food, came to eat your master, and today I will accept you!"

Xiao Yu yelled and blasted out with a punch towards the sky.

The power of this punch is extremely domineering, and a punch is to shake apart a dozen long-mouthed tiger crocodiles.

Liao Hu was stunned for an instant, his entire expression was shocked.


Is this Nima still from someone?

I saw Xiao Yu directly interspersed between these long-billed tiger crocodiles, then jumped up, and directly hit the hard head of one of the long-billed tiger crocodiles.


The head of that long-mouthed tiger crocodile was instantly smashed into pieces.

"This... enchanting..."

Xiao Yu solved one, and then blasted a long-mouthed tiger crocodile towards the narration.

"Break it for me!"

Xiao Yu snorted coldly, and blasted the hard leather armor into shards with another punch.

"Come again!"

Xiao Yu's blood seemed to be boiling, and with a long roar, he shot up again.

"Boom boom boom!"

Xiao Yu was like a human flesh harvester, and the leather armor of this little long-mouthed tiger crocodile seemed to be unable to stand his terrifying physical strength.

Under his fist, all the leather armor collapsed in a flash. It can be said that these long-billed tiger crocodiles have no power to paint in front of Xiao Yu.

How overbearing Xiao Yu's power is, it's almost more overbearing than Liao Hu.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen long-mouthed tiger crocodiles, all turned into corpses.

"Hiss~~~" Liao Hu's pupils shrank, and he seemed to feel some pain in his bones.

At this moment, Xiao Yu's eyes were directly on Liao Hu.

Liao Hu suddenly felt that his whole body was filled with this kind of cold feeling.

He has only one thought now, that is, escape!

Liao Hu didn't want to face this cruel boy at all, so he just turned around and fled.

"Escape? Have you asked me?"

Xiao Yu's ghostly voice suddenly reached behind Liao Hu's forehead. Immediately afterwards, Liao Hu was caught directly by the back collar, and then he was thrown to the ground by Xiao Yu over the shoulder.

Liao Hu's back bones were completely shattered, and he vomited blood.

At this time, Xiao Yu raised his foot...

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