Shura God Emperor

Chapter 160: Black brown bee

In the next moment, Xiao Yu had already handed over and fell, and Liao Hu's knees were directly smashed.


The terrible scream suddenly resounded, and Liao Hu was about to faint to death.

Looking at his leg, the leg was almost broken from below the knee, only some skin and bones were connected, which was very tragic.

Xiao Yu glanced at Liao Hu coldly, and then just swept towards the swamp land.

The swamp was very spacious, and the vertical distance was hundreds of meters, but Xiao Yu was not afraid at all.

He had just skimmed out several tens of meters, and suddenly another long-mouthed tiger crocodile culled directly from the swamp.


Xiao Yu had expected such a result a long time ago, so he snorted and slammed it down with a fist.


The long mouth of this long-mouthed tiger crocodile was directly slammed by Xiao Yu with a punch. Xiao Yu continued to counter the shock and swept forward for hundreds of meters.




Several long-mouthed tiger crocodiles were shot out, but they were all killed by Xiao Yu. In this way, Xiao Yu quickly passed through this swamp area.

All those who participate in the Forest of Boxing Tablets have to pass through the swamp area, which of course is a very ordinary place.

I thought Xiao Yu was slowly in front of him, but the original 20-odd royal family had already passed halfway.

Only half of the strength is relatively poor.

Ahead, Xiao Yu already felt the breath of a dozen people.

However, when he leaned forward, he suddenly realized that there was a large dense shadow shaking in front of him.

When Xiao Yu could see clearly, his expression was slightly moved.

It was a group of black-brown bees, each body was as large as one meter, and the poisonous needles on their tails reached 20 centimeters in length.

"Black and brown bee!"

Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed.

These black and brown bees are very powerful, each of their strength is as high as the late stage of the Qi Convergence Stage, and their most poisonous thing is their tail needles.

Even if it is contaminated a little bit, it will be poisoned and killed in just ten seconds.

These ten people are all elites in the royal family, but they are facing dozens of black and brown bees.

Among them, Xiao Yu also saw the gray-clothed youth and the blue-clothed youth at the beginning.

And the three of them also seemed to have discovered Xiao Yu's traces. As soon as the three of them turned against the black bee, their faces became extremely cold.

I didn't expect this kid to break through so quickly!

And at this moment, suddenly a black and brown bee flapped its three-meter-long wings and pounced towards Xiao Yu.

Along the way, the black tail needle like a long knife looked very cold.

Originally, Xiao Yu didn't want to get too entangled with this black brown bee, but who knows, his heart moved and his eyes fixed on the black brown bee's abdomen.

The abdomens of bees are very huge, and all the nutrients are on their abdomens, but Xiao Yu clearly felt that this black and brown bee's round abdomen was clearly a strange energy fluctuation.

He immediately urged the power of the soul to envelop him. Xiao Yu was slightly taken aback when he probed this way, and immediately his eyes lit up and he did not retreat but moved forward with a long whistle.

"Good job!"

Xiao Yu Ji refined the Seven-Star Sword and directly killed it.

"Sea breeze fluttering leaves!"

An extremely slender sword aura directly looted and killed the black bee, but Xiao Yu's speed was even faster.

While this long sword Han Mang flew out, all around felt a kind of cold.

"call out!"


The brown bee hasn't come over yet, but its abdomen is directly chopped in half at the node connecting the body.

Xiao Yu's sword was as easy as cutting tofu, but was shocked when people not far away saw it.

Except for the three young men in grey clothes, the faces of the other royal family's children were a little surprised.

You know, how terrible the poisonous needles of these brown bees are.

When they were fighting, they not only had to guard against these poisonous needles from touching themselves, but also against the sharp wings of the black brown bee and the attacks of the double pliers on the head.

And the ten of them faced dozens of black and brown bees!

But looking at Xiao Yu, a sword passed, and the exact thing was to cut off the brown bee.

Without strong insight, and the ultimate use of swordsmanship, how could it be possible to do this?

You know, the brown bee has a weak point, so it is the weak and short place where its abdomen connects to the body.

The gray-clothed youth trio had very ugly faces. They originally thought that this black bee would have a certain influence on Xiao Yu.

Who knew Xiao Yu could resist it so easily.

However, who knows that the next moment, Xiao Yu's actions will shock the entire audience...

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