Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1595: Hongyuezong ten years ago (Part 1)

Hearing this name, everyone in Xuanjian Pavilion would not feel unfamiliar. Even when they saw this person, all of them had a cold attitude in their eyes.

"Chen Yuan? Who is he?" some disciples asked in confusion.

"Don't you know? This person is the Young Master of Hongyue Sect!"

Upon hearing the words Chen Yuan and Hongyuezong, the crowd instantly shook.

Yes, everyone felt incredible and looked at the young man named Chen Yuan, who was about twenty years old, with a surprised look.

Obviously, because of this person's appearance, Lu Guobin's murderous intent was reduced by three points, and even Xiao Yu was shocked.


Ten years ago, in the world of sects, there used to be a sect called Hongyuezong.

This Hongyue Sect was known as the second-rate sect at that time the most powerful and potential existence.

Why do you say that?

Just because Hongyuezong said it was a second-rate sect, but it can also be said to be a third-rate sect.

This is because the number of the Hongyue Sect has always been only a few dozen people, and they will not recruit more disciples, just because each disciple is selected from a million and carefully selected.

Therefore, in terms of the number of sects, Hongyue Sect is a third-rate sect, but in terms of strength, they are second-rate sects, and they are even strong enough to be comparable to Xuanjian Pavilion!

Such a small number of people, but the powerful sect, compared with Xuanjian Pavilion, yes, the nature of the Hongyuezong Quanzong is the same as Xuanjian Pavilion, they are a sword repair sect.

As the saying goes, no one is allowed to snore on the side of the couch. Xuanjian Pavilion was originally a large sect with a thousand years of history. The existence of Hongyuezong naturally threatened their status.

The so-called wood show in the forest wind will destroy it. Hongyuezong has always been known for its small number of sects, but its fighting power is strong. Because of this, it has caused the jealousy of Xuanjian Pavilion, even if it is because of Hongyuezong. The scourge of killing.

Harmfulness is indispensable, and defensiveness is indispensable. Hongyuezong has always been without struggle and no fighting. However, living in this weak and strong world, if you don’t provoke others, others will come to you for trouble, even , Even if it is dead, I don't know what's going on.

In the great world, whoever controls the ups and downs, everyone is cultivating against the sky, everyone is overwhelmed, no one will pity anyone, and no one will make people feel pitiful.

In this way, the crisis of Hongyuezong's extinction was the foreshadowing.

One night, Hongyuezong was brutally destroyed by a powerful force.

What makes people feel strange is that this force has actually mixed up with experts of all walks of life, and they have joined hands to destroy the Hongyue Sect.

One night, Hongyuezong's name was expelled from the sect world.

This sect, which claims to have the most potential to replace Xuanjian Pavilion, disappeared into the sect world overnight, which shocked the entire sect world.

Then, a casual repairer who passed by that night broke out. When the Sect Master of Hongyue Sect was fighting with that force that night, he said a shocking news that it was the group of people who were identified by Hongyue Sect as Xuanjian Pavilion. Sent, and it was led by Xuanjian Pavilion.

So far, the next day Xuanjian Pavilion stood up and tried to deny it, but what about it, even if Xuanjian Pavilion admitted it?

Hongyuezong has been destroyed, who will stand up and speak for them?

Another, Xuanjian Pavilion is one of the seven sects, with a respectable position and a huge power. Who dares to stand up for them?

And the destruction of Hongyue Sect can only cause regret for a small group of people.

Chen Yuan appeared, staring directly at Zheng Xu and other disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion, and said coldly: "You Xuanjian Pavilion didn't expect it, but Hongyuezong, who planned to destroy the door, was left alone!

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