Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1596: Hongyuezong ten years ago (Part 2)

The faces of all the people in the audience are all with a kind of weirdness. Except for the dark and cold faces of the disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion, the others are looking coldly, even in a pose to watch the lively situation.

Everyone knows that the tragic incident of the destruction of the Hongyue Sect ten years ago must have been planned by Xuanjian Pavilion. This was originally the heart of Sima Zhao.

Xuanjian Pavilion is known as the descendant of the Sword Sage, established a sect in the world of the sect, and his understanding of swordsmanship is even the first in the sect.

But at that time, a Hongyue Sect suddenly came out, and it had seriously threatened their status. May I ask, can Xuanjian Pavilion not make a move?

Hongyuezong rises too fast, only because the suzerain, Chen Yuan’s father, is said to have got some kind of powerful swordsmanship opportunity. It is this kind of opportunity that makes Hongyuezong from an unknown force. The transition to an existence that can affect the position of Xuanjian Pavilion.

How powerful is Hongyuezong?

Among the disciples of the same level, Hongyuezong Jianxiu disciple, one person can resist three disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion.

Take Hongyuezong’s suzerain at that time, Chen Yuan’s father was still at the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm at the time, but he was already invincible in the three-day realm. It is said that Chen Yuan’s father had faced three more than three-day realm. The strong were assassinated and survived.

This kind of terrifying strength is derived from the treasure of the town sect of the Hongyue Sect-the heavenly swordsmanship, the Hongyue swordsmanship.

Usually, a sect will give different levels of swordsmanship according to the disciples' talent potential.

For example, among the seven sects, only those with the top ranks of the inner sects are qualified to cultivate the top-level mysterious powers, or the wealthy Haotian sect, Jia Chen, who is the number one in the inner sect, is also qualified to possess high-grade spiritual weapons.

After all, this is an incentive system of the sect, with different levels of hierarchy or different cultivation resources.

But what about Hongyuezong?

The Hongyue Sect broke this tradition, because as long as the disciple of the Hongyue Sect, he would have a heavenly sword from the beginning!

You know, heavenly swordsmanship!

This is already the highest level of swordsmanship!

If a disciple’s magical skills are of such a high level at the beginning, can he be very powerful in combat?

Of course, other sects didn’t know about this at first, just because the Hongyue Sect did not rise at the beginning, and there were very few disciples who joined its sect. Until the latter emerged, the disciples of other sects were jealous. Up.

The so-called innocence of each other, after the rise of the Hongyue Sect, of course, it has attracted the hatred of various sects, because many disciples are already vying to join the Hongyue Sect.

However, Hongyue Sect did not intend to expand the sect, and there were only a dozen disciples at the time.

This is not Hongyuezong's arrogant heart. It just proves that Hongyuezong has no desire to fight, but because of this, it has attracted the speculation of other sects who think they are arrogant. That's it. The crisis has since been buried.

Of course, when Hongyuezong was destroyed, there was another fuse——

Zongmen replacement meeting.

At that time, people in the entire sect world believed that Hongyue Sect would challenge Xuanjian Pavilion in the replacement of the sect, and replace him!

Just because this sect replacement is not based on the overall sect, nor on the ability of the sect master, but on the disciples.

Because of this rule, Xuan Jiange was terrified, and in the end he acted first, and simply borrowed a knife to kill!

No one knew what was going on, everyone just felt that Hongyue Sect was just out of time.

The sect world itself is placed in a place where interests are struggling, grievances and grievances, who will pity whom?

Regardless of the seven sects or the sect world, the balance of power in a place cannot be broken so easily, not to mention how can a thousand-year-old sect be shaken so easily?

It's just that Xuan Jiange didn't seem to expect that the "remaining evil" of Hongyue Sect had not died!

Although Chen Yuan is bohemian, his face is indeed more vicissitudes of life in his twenties than his peers.

Obviously, seeing the disciple of Xuanjian Pavilion, Chen Yuan's eyes seemed to be bloodshot, and the murderous intent on his body became more and more cold.

Zheng Xu stepped forward and said coldly: "I don't know who you are, and we don't know what's going on with your Hongyue Sect. Today is the Sword Enlightenment Conference of my Xuanjian Pavilion, not the place where you went wild! If you make trouble here, then we will definitely be rude to you!"

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