Shura God Emperor

Chapter 166: Kaibei (Part 1)

When Xiao Yu's seal was knotted, suddenly the power of the soul surged out.

"The fire dragon is destroyed!"

The destruction of the fire dragon is surprisingly an evolved version of the fire dragon pillar.

Because the fire dragon pillar is always the first-level formation, according to popular conditions, the first-level formation is generally against the Qi Gathering Realm.

And these black and brown bees are already in the category of second-level monsters, so they must be killed with a second-level formation.

But the second-level formation to kill the black bee is simply a sledgehammer.

Therefore, Xiao Yu intends to use the advanced version of the fire dragon pillar.

Although it was still the first-level formation, the destruction of the fire dragon was strengthened by Xiao Yuling.


In an instant, with Xiao Yu as the center, a fire dragon dashed up to a huge tens of meters.


The fire dragon roared toward the sky, and a flame that resembled a turbulent wave burst out, then fell down, enveloping all the black and brown bees.

The most feared of insect monsters is flames. Sure enough, as soon as the black and brown bee swarm felt the surrounding temperature, the honeycomb eyes that had become red from the fluke powder became normal, but they were also full of panic.

They fled around, but found that there were flames all around 500 meters, and they couldn't escape at all.

The next moment, I just heard a "boom", and then there was a crisp sound of "chichichi".

After a while, the flame disappeared, Xiao Yu also exposed, and there were a lot of gray-black corpses on the ground.

Xiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, I can kill them."

After that, Xiao Yu's eyes became cold: "You can't imagine that I'm still alive, right? I'll give you back ten times!"

It's still early, four hours before the stone stele is opened, there is still one hour left.

Xiao Yu didn't rush, because the boxing stele forest was so big that it didn't take much time to get inside.

Wei Rongxin and the others rushed in this way because they wanted to be the first to go inside when the stele was opened.

But he is not in a hurry at all. Everyone has only one minute in front of the stele. Opportunity does not mean that something comes first, and since it is an opportunity, it doesn't matter if you go there earlier and later.

Xiao Yu first took out three corpses of black and brown bees, and then took out three mood light groups.

"It should be enough for me to comprehend for half an hour."

Without saying a word, Xiao Yu just meditated.

He originally wanted to catch the second world space, but Xiao Yu discovered that this forest of boxing steles was not that simple.

He always felt that when he didn't know where he knew, he seemed to have a pair of invisible eyes staring at him.

And the second world space is his secret, it is absolutely impossible for him to be known by others.

Half an hour soon passed.

Xiao Yu's comprehension of strength has reached another level, and at the same time all his consumption has been replenished.

"Good stuff! If there were more, it would be fine."

Xiao Yu stood up and said with some emotion.

At the same time, he became more curious about the so-called stele.

The Forest of Boxing Tablets is the seat of the monarchs of the Chenbei Dynasty. After they paint, there will be an artistic conception floating out and forming a light group.

In fact, after so many years of precipitation, the cultivation bases of those monarchs sitting Hua have been integrated into the Hequan Beilin area.

The reason why it is opened once a year is because it takes a year for the already light group to condense.

Of course, if you talk about the big head, it must be the artistic conception on the stone tablet.

Xiao Yu, who couldn't wait, began to skim inside.

As soon as I arrived, there were already a dozen people waiting.

Everyone was shocked when they saw another person coming, especially Wei Rongxin and the three of them, their expressions became even more unbelievable.

"How is it possible!? Why is he still here!?"

Those royal children were all stunned, they obviously saw thousands of black and brown bees!

Even the ordinary Qi Hui Realm Xiao Wan can not retreat completely, right? What's more, he's still a kid in the middle of the confluence stage?

But the facts have given them a heavy hammer.

Li Guibin's face was even harder to see the extreme.

They came into the boxing stele forest and they were prepared. This fluke powder was also prepared for emergencies. They didn't expect to actually use it, but in the end, they were willing to see it.

What magic power does this kid have! ?

Unknowingly, Wei Rongxin, Li Guibin, and Wang Min's murderous intent towards Xiao Yu rose to the extreme.

They were ordered by the queen to kill Xiao Yu, and the goal was naturally not to let Xiao Yu go out safe and sound.

Of course, the Forest of Boxing Tablets is not over yet, in other words, they still have a chance to kill Xiao Yu!

Tang Ling'er smiled when he saw Xiao Yu, and hurried over.

"Xiao Yu, it's great that you are fine. They said just now that you were besieged by a lot of black and brown bees, and I want to go back to find you." Tang Linger sighed, and the worried expression relaxed.

Xiao Yu smiled faintly and said: "I'm fine, just a few killer bees, but they can't kill me, it's just a waste of some people's kindness."

Xiao Yu bit the word "goodwill" very hard, and at the same time looked at Wei Rongxin and the group of three with cold eyes, killing intent is also slurping...

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