Shura God Emperor

Chapter 167: Kaibei (below)

Tang Ling'er also knew that Wei Rongxin and the others had no good intentions, but he didn't expect to be so cruel.

Her eyes are also very cold.

"Xiao Yu, you are really dead. So many killer bees can't kill you. Your luck is too good to say. No wonder you can come to this day." Wei Rongxin said mockingly.

Xiao Yu sneered and said, "I was able to come to this day because of my hard work, not because some people thought that they would be a child of the royal family once and for all. In fact, it was just a running dog. The master told him to go east. He didn't dare to go west, the master told him to bite, even if his mouth was full of chicken feathers, he had to swallow it."


Wei Rongxin's faces flushed, and they were furious instantly.

All those royal children were dumbfounded.

This kid really dare to say it!

By Xiao Yu's words, isn't it obvious that he dared to refuse the queen's invitation and would not compromise because of the queen's strength.

Are the three of them running dogs at the same time?

Everyone knew it well, it turned out that Wei Rongxin and the others were sent by the queen to kill Xiao Yu!

They couldn't help but step back.

The power of the Queen was very large in the Chenbei Dynasty, and over the years she has cultivated many elite children of the three major families.

Therefore, the three major families can stand in the capital for such a long time, this is related to the queen's support.

And their children of the royal family, although they are also under the cultivation of the royal family, in terms of cultivation resources, they are of course not as rich as the three major families.

They couldn't help being far away from Xiao Yu a few steps.

Who dares to stop the queen to kill? If one is not careful, I am afraid it will affect his own life.

Besides, in the palace, besides Concubine Yang, who else can compete with the queen?

Wang Min said coldly: "Xiao Yu, you need to know the truth from the mouth. You should know that this forest of boxing steles is monitored by someone, so are you not afraid of bringing in murder?"

"A scourge of killing? Isn't it a scourge of killing from the moment I came in?"

Xiao Yu immediately glanced at the surrounding sky coldly, and said solemnly: "If you want to kill me, you will come blatantly. I will die when I am dead. What will I do to find some cats and dogs secretly? I am Xiao Yu. Having said that, how many you come, how many I will kill! I will never be merciless!"

Never be soft!

This word fell into the ears of the royal children, and they all gasped!

Maybe Xiao Yu didn't know who was watching in this boxing stele forest. How could they, as the children of the royal family, not know?

On the other side of the hall, the queen was sitting in the middle of the hall, and Mingzi was beside him.

In the void in front of them, there was a large light curtain, and what was displayed in the light curtain was the scene in the forest of fist tablets.

Obviously, both the queen and Xiao Mingzi had heard what Xiao Yu said just now.

The queen sneered: "This Xiao Yu is really smart. He didn't enter the palace at the beginning, it was really a miscalculation of this palace."

Xiao Mingzi hurriedly said: "Queen empress, this can only be regarded as Xiao Yu has eyes and no beads, and she is going to have the most empress grandmother. This is what Xiao Yu asked for."

The queen's face was covered with frost, and said: "No one has dared to provoke this palace so blatantly for a long time, but this palace really wants to see if he can get out today!"


Back in the Fist Tablet Forest again, Xiao Yu already knew who was behind the scenes, but he was not afraid.

First, even if the queen is monitoring the Forest of Boxing Tablets, it is still impossible for the queen to blatantly kill Xiao Yu, and will only continue to send people to kill him.

The reason is simple. Once things are clear, the entire dynasty will feel chill.

Second, the queen is far away. Although she has many ways to kill Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu already has great confidence in her own strength in the Forest of Fist Tablets.

Tang Linger knew Xiao Yu's character, and also knew that Xiao Yu had been suffocated for a long time. She bit her red lips and said, "Xiao Yu, I will help you what you want."

Xiao Yu gave a grateful look, of course he would not pull Tang Ling'er into the water.

His gaze immediately glanced at Wei Rongxin and the three of them, and said faintly: "Ling'er, you don't need to pay attention to me, I will solve my problem. If anyone who does not have long eyes dares to stop me, I don't mind putting him here. Kill it! Because it's legal to kill inside."

Hearing Xiao Yu's words, the faces of the royal family's children trembled, and Wei Rongxin's three people's intent to kill Xiao Yu became more intense.

For those of the royal family, Xiao Yu's combat effectiveness is beyond doubt, invincible of the same level, and able to fight across a level, they have no reason at all, and they dare not move Xiao Yu.

And Xiao Yu didn't look at them either, so what he said was to the three of Wei Rongxin.

"Hahahaha! Xiao Yu, you are very courageous, don't worry, since you want to think, we will not fail to give you a chance, after the stone monument is opened, we have time to play with you!" Wei Rongxin said coldly.

Xiao Yu had chosen so clearly, so there was no need for them to cover up.

At this moment, a strange energy wave spread around, and a two-meter-high, one-meter-wide stone stele suddenly appeared in a place fifty meters in front of everyone.

"The monument is opened!"

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