Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1703: Fang Rui's Mind (Part 2)

Yes, there are relatives and friends of Xiao Yu in the sect world, but Xiao Yu's strength is too limited, he is not a savior.

And he knows deeply that it is impossible to accomplish anything with his own power.

The most important thing is that despite his intention to unite the seven sects, and unite the entire world of sects against the Black Cliff Sect.

Because even if you don't consider your aversion to the seven sects, you have to consider your relatives and friends who live here.

Once the Black Cliff Sect invades here again, this place will definitely become Abi Hell, a cemetery where life will be charred, and there will be countless deaths and injuries. Of course this is not what Xiao Yu wants to see.

But on the other hand, Xiao Yu has his own mission and things to do.

He wants to find his own life experience, he wants to become stronger, and he wants to find the missing person, the person in his dream.

He knows that everything is destiny, and manpower can only do its utmost to stop it, but the result is unpredictable.

And all of this is based on strength.

If that day is true, if the world of the sect is to be invaded by the Black Cliff Sect, once he is defeated, he cannot risk his life here.

This is not a fear of death, nor an escape.

Cultivation itself is going against the sky and overcoming obstacles, but it can't be smooth sailing.

Is it possible to be beaten, but to die?

Xiao Yu knew the power of the Black Cliff Sect. Even the great masters of the sect world that were so prosperous thousands of years ago could only barely reach the point where both sides were hurt. What could he do?

That's right, in the face of the chase of the powerful Seven Sects and the life and death battles of the powerful, Xiao Yu was determined to die, because he was confident in his strength and knew that he would not die so easily.

But you know, compared to the terrifying world of Black Cliff, this so-called "life and death" is nothing at all.

In the world of thirty small heavens and the world of seventy-two great heavens, each plane has its own destiny, but if you connect yourself with the fate of these planes, Xiao Yu simply can't do it.

If you die, you can't do anything. This is what Xiao Yu thought from the beginning until now.

Fang Rui understands what Xiao Yu is talking about, and he also knows that this is not a selfish approach. The so-called people do not kill themselves for their own sake, who does not want to protect themselves?

Under the premise of self-protection, it is already commendable in his opinion to be able to do his best for this area.

"The road is vast, and every creature has its own destiny. The so-called good fortune makes people, of course, many things are beyond our control. Maybe the world of the sect is fate, and no one can stop it. And I did not ask you to take all the burdens on you, because I know it is difficult and almost impossible. My thought is that if that day comes, I hope you can contribute."

Xiao Yu said heavily: "Senior, as I said earlier, although I am not here, but here is where I grew up, I will definitely do my best."

This is Xiao Yu's attitude and his consistent thoughts. He has never escaped.

"Okay! So, I want to pass on your Heavenly One Sword Technique to help you." Fang Rui finally said the ultimate goal, but this was basically what Xiao Yu had guessed through the conversation just now.

However, Xiao Yu was not at all happy, and said in a puzzled way: "Why didn't the senior choose Xuanjian Pavilion's own disciple, but chose me as an outsider?"

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