Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1704: The best candidate

Fang Rui said in his mouth that all his xinxing was in line with the best candidate in his mind. Although Xiao Yu did not refute, Xiao Yu was even more bizarre.

In terms of kinship, Xuanjian Pavilion is Fang Rui’s own sect. Such a powerful sword technique should be imparted to this sect with the best talent and the strongest talent. Yes, it is like the master of Xuanjian Pavilion, like Shi Dongrui’s. Famous sword repair genius in the world of moving sect.

But why is it you?

Fang Rui shook his head and said: "Secular people have become more eager to strive for strength. The true cultivation is to cultivate the heart and to be free from distracting thoughts. Only by cultivating the mind can you pass the great road. For thousands of years, such people have come The less. In addition, I have been in Jianbei Mountain for thousands of years, and the disciples I have come into contact with are limited, and my deadline is approaching, and I have to fall into reincarnation. I can’t wait."

"And you are the best person I have ever seen." Fang Rui said, staring at Xiao Yu.

"And there is another reason, this is the most important reason..." Fang Rui said.

Xiao Yu seemed to have guessed something in his heart, but still did not speak.

Fang Rui said with shame: "I also said just now that I came from a higher plane. The world said that I was a descendant of the Juggernaut, but in fact, I should be considered a deserter or a loser."

"Why did the senior say this?" Xiao Yu asked with a startled heart.

Fang Rui stopped talking, but still shook his head and said: "These are still too far away for you. You just need to know that the Tianyi sword technique can be called the world's number one sword technique in the sect, and it is not the name of the sky. Great Sect Master, Chen Nan’s strength is undoubtedly ranked first, even far surpassing our six sect masters, but back then, besides Chen Nan, the six major sect masters, my strength could be ranked first."

Xiao Yu held his breath, even surprised.

"What? Very surprised, right?" Fang Rui smiled softly.

Xiao Yu nodded and couldn't comment.

For a long time, Xuanjian Pavilion gave him a bad feeling. Although he was a descendant of the Sword Saint, his reputation and status were always among the seven sects and Fengshimen, and Baiyugu was almost at the end.

And now Fang Rui, the former Sect Master of Xuanjian Pavilion, actually said that he was so strong back then, which really made Xiao Yu feel a little bit different.

"Don’t be surprised. Of the seven sect masters back then, I was from a higher plane. The reason why Chen Nan was able to suppress me was because he had obtained a technique left by a powerful person, and his talent was near demon. This allowed him to securely occupy the first place. But I was not weak back then, just relatively vulnerable to Chen Nan."

In a few words, Xiao Yu was enough to imagine how powerful his sect's Sect Master was.

Of course, he can also imagine that Fang Rui's arrogance back then, because Fang Rui's words also exude a strong pride.

"If I was as talented as Chen Nan, and I had fully practiced the Tianyi Sword Technique, Chen Nan would not be my opponent, and even the Black Cliff Sect Master would have the power to fight."

Xiao Yu trembled, and Fang Rui's words revealed too much information.

"Senior means..."

Fang Rui suddenly exuded a sharp aura, and said, "Yes, it's because of the Tianyi sword technique."

"Tianyi sword technique was brought down by me from a higher plane, but because the mystery is difficult to understand, complicated and difficult to practice, I didn't fully understand it! Therefore, I just said that I am a loser."

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