Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1705: The biggest suspect

This really surprised Xiao Yu.

There are rumors in the sect world that Xiaoyao Fu is the number one technique in the sect world, and Fang Rui didn't deny this.

But according to what Fang Rui said, one of the reasons why his strength fell below Chen Nan back then was because he didn't have a thorough understanding of the Tianyi sword technique!

Looking at it this way, the rank of Tianyi swordsmanship may not be inferior to Xiaoyao Fu!

Xiao Yu was suddenly startled, and said, "Senior meant that if you fully understand the Heavenly One Sword Technique, you have a chance to fight the Black Cliff Sect?"

"Not necessarily."

Fang Rui shook his head and said: "The strength of the Black Cliff Sect Master was enough to affect the stability of the plane. According to what you said, the Black Cliff Sect has returned to its peak. Who can not guarantee that they will become stronger? According to the Sect A sign of the decline of the world, if the Black Cliff Sect becomes stronger, isn't the gap getting bigger and bigger?"

Yes indeed!

Xiao Yu felt stunned.

Who can guarantee that Black Cliff Sect has always stayed in that kind of strength?

People will improve and will continue to grow stronger.

Although the Black Cliff Sect has spent thousands of years to cultivate, it is not difficult to guarantee that they will also become stronger.

After all, you must know that the Black Cliff Sect cannot attack the sect world once. If they still follow the strength and strategy of the millennium, then if they don’t know the overall strength of the sect world, isn’t this repeating the same mistake?

If it fails again, who wants to wait another thousand years?

As Wu Chen said, the environment of the Black Cliff World is harsh, and the cultivation resources are also scarce. The people of the Black Cliff Sect can't wait to come to the sect world with abundant spiritual power immediately.

But then, Xiao Yu's face changed slightly, and he seemed to think of something.

"What's the matter?" Fang Rui frowned and asked.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath and said, "It is true that the demons have already appeared in the world of the sect, and I have confronted them many times. According to what I know, the people of the Black Cliff Sect may have penetrated Zongmen all over the world, even..."

"Even what?" Fang Rui's heart beat, his face sinking sharply.

After living for a thousand years, how could he not think of what this young man was going to say.

"Even secretly it is very possible to have a connection with the Seven Sects..."

Fang Rui's face was very gloomy, and Xiao Yu's heart was full of sorrow.

As a strong man for thousands of years, even if he is dead, it is still related to the safety of the sect world, but the major sects they united in the past have the opportunity to become traitors and puppets of the Black Cliff Sect. Why not let this Does he feel heartache and anger?

You must know that back then, there were seven great sects and seven strong men who tried desperately to maintain the stability of the sect world, but now the seven sects are betraying the world of the sect. What they did and sacrificed was nothing. Is it worthless?

"What the little brother said is true?" Fang Rui asked in a deep voice.


Then Xiao Yu told Fang Rui the situation of Wu Chen and Lin Xia and others who had entered the Demon Path that he had encountered in the Azure Cloud Region.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon! From this point of view, the rise of the Haotian School in the past two to three decades may be related to the demons! Maybe it is also related to the decline of your Xiaoyao Sect!" Fang Rui was a little angry. , The murderous body was revealed.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath. Lin Xia and the others were instigated by the joint efforts of the Qu family and Haotianzong to kill Lin Zhennan.

Although they had no definite evidence at the time, perhaps Lin Xia and the others had fallen into the devil's way, perhaps because of the Clear Sky School, but who knew this?

The signs from that incident indicate that Clear Sky School is the biggest suspect!

This coincides with the connection between the Black Cliff Sect's demons and the Seven Sects that Wu Chen said at the time!

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